PD Dr. Bernd Metzner
Leitender Arzt für Hochdosistherapie und autologe Stammzelltransplantation
Facharzt für Innere Medizin, Schwerpunkt Hämatologie und Internistische Onkologie
Beruflicher Lebenslauf
16. September 1954
Prisser bei Lüchow-Dannenberg
Verheiratet, 3 Kinder
1961 – 1965
Grundschule in Großdornberg bei Bielefeld.
1965 – 1973
Gymnasium in Bielefeld (Ratsgymnasium, altsprachlicher Zweig).
1973 – 1979
Humanmedizin an der Georg-August-Universität in Göttingen.
1979 – 1980
Praktisches Jahr am Zentralkrankenhaus St.Jürgen-Straße in Bremen.
Dritter Abschnitt der Ärztlichen Prüfung.
Januar 1981
Note „sehr gut“.
Titel: „Untersuchungen zur Bedeutung der Gamma-Glutamyl-Transferase und ihrer mit Concanavalin A differenzierbaren Molekularen Varianten für die Diagnose des Chronischen Alkoholismus“.
Mai 1981 – April 1989
an der Medizinischen Hochschule Hannover, Innere Medizin, Abt. Hämatologie und Onkologie (Prof. Poliwoda), ab 1985 einschließlich Knochenmark-Transplantation.
Facharzt-Prüfungen zur Gebietsbezeichnung „Innere Medizin“ und Teilgebietsbezeichnung „Hämatologie“.
Derzeitige Tätigkeit
Seit Mai 1989
Oberarzt in der Klinik für Innere Medizin II (Onkologie / Hämatologie) des Klinikums Oldenburg (Klinikdirektor Prof. Illiger, seit 2004 Prof. Köhne).
Mitarbeit an zahlreichen klinisch-wissenschaftlichen Therapiestudien (Phase II und III, seit 2004 nach GCP) im Bereich der Onkologie und Hämatologie, seit 1993 schwerpunktmäßig im Bereich der malignen Lymphome und der Hochdosistherapie mit autologer Blutstammzelltransplantation.
Seit November 2000
Leitender Arzt der Einheit für Stammzell-Transplantation am Klinikum Oldenburg.
Seit 2001
Sprecher der Arbeitsgruppe „Maligne Lymphome“ des Tumorzentrums Weser-Ems.
Seit 2002
Mitarbeit im wissenschaftlichen Beirat der Fachzeitschrift „InFo Onkologie“.
Mitgliedschaft in wissenschaftlichen Gesellschaften
- Deutsche Gesellschaft für Hämatologie und Onkologie
- American Society of Hematology
- American Society of Clinical Oncology
- Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Internistische Onkologie der Deutschen Krebsgesellschaft
- European Society for Medical Oncology
- Deutsche Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Knochenmark- und Blutstammzelltransplantation
- European Group for Blood and Marrow Transplantation
- 2014: Habilitation
A) Beiträge mit Erstautorenschaft und alle Originalarbeiten
- Treatment of Aplastic Anemia with Antilymphocyte-Serum (ALS). B. Metzner, M. Freund et al. Blut (1985) 51:178
- Thymic Hyperplasia Following Antineoplastic Chemotherapy in Adult Cancer Patients. B. Metzner, P. Hendrickx et al. J Cancer Res Clin Oncol (1986) 111(Suppl):S114
- Treatment of Adult Patients with Disseminated High-Grade Lymphomas of the B-Type. B. Metzner, M. Freund et al. Blut (1986) 53:221
- Late Toxicity in Patients with High-Grade Non-Hodgkin-Lymphoma. B. Metzner, M. Möllers et al. J Cancer Res Clin Oncol (1988) 114:S176
- Treatment of Adult Patients with Disseminated High-Grade Lymphomas of the B-Type. B. Metzner, M. Freund et al. Blut (1988) 57:197
- Risiko-adaptierte Therapie hochmaligner Non-Hodgkin Lymphome mit COP-BLAM / IMVP-16: Eine prospektive multizentrische Studie. H.H. Gerhartz, W.Wilmanns, G. Brittinger, M. Engelhard, R. Heinz, D. Huhn, P. Meusers, W. Siegert, A. Stacher, E. Thiel, H. Dietzfelbinger, B. Doerken, W. Dornoff, W. Enne, R. Fuchs, J. Heise, W. Hettchen, K. Kabelitz, R. Kuse, E. Lengfelder, H. Löffler, B. Metzner, L. Nowicki, H. Radtke, M Schaefers, E. Schumacher, H. Seibt, H.J. Staiger, T. Wagner, M.G. Willems, K.H. Zurborn, T. Zwingers, A.C. Feller, C. v. Schilling, H. Stein, K. Lennert. Onkologie (1989) 12:22-26
- Sprechen Knochenmetastasen auf eine Immuntherapie mit Interleukin-2 und Interferon-alpha-2b beim Nierenzellkarzinom an? B. Metzner, R. Siegmund, H. Kirchner, J. Atzpodien, H.J. Illiger. Tumordiagn Ther (1991) 12:192-196
- Cisplatin/ etoposide/ ifosfamide stepwise dose escalation with concomitant granulocyte/macrophage-colony-stimulating factor for patients with far-advanced testicular carcinoma. A. Harstrick, H.-J. Schmoll, C. Bokemeyer, B. Metzner, H.-J. Illiger, W. Berdel, H. Ostermann, C. Manegold, U. Räth, W. Siegert, R. Sonntag, R. Hartenstein, C. Clemm, H. Wilke, H. Poliwoda. J Cancer Res Clin Oncol (1991) 117 (Suppl IV): 198-202
- Dose escalation of cisplatin, etoposide and ifosfamide with GM-CSF for advanced germ cell tumors. H.-J. Schmoll, C. Bokemeyer, A.Harstrick, H.J. Illiger, B. Metzner, U. Rüther, H. Ostermann, J. Preiss, H. Wilke, J. Hohnloser, et al. Pathol Biol Paris (1992) 39:961
- A Phase I/II Study of a Stepwise Dose-escalated Regimen of Cisplatin, Etoposide and Ifosfamide plus Granulocyte-Macrophage Colony-stimulating Factor (GM-CSF) in Patients with Advanced Germ Cell Tumours. C. Bokemeyer, H.-J. Schmoll, A. Harstrick, H.J. Illiger, B. Metzner, U. Räth, J. Hohnloser, C. Clemm, W. Berdel, W. Siegert, U. Rüther, H. Ostermann, M. Kneba, J.H. Hartlapp, M. Schröder, H. Poliwoda. Eur J Cancer (1993) 29A:2225-2231
- Comparison of 5 vs 10 micrograms/kg per day of GM-CSF following dose-intensified chemotherapy with cisplatin, etoposide and ifosfamide in patients with advanced testicular cancer. C. Bokemeyer, H.-J. Schmoll, B. Metzner, J. Beyer, H.J. Illiger, M. Kneba, H. Ostermann, B. Kynast, U. Rath, H. Poliwoda. Ann Hematol (1993) 67:75-79
- The Role of Granulocyte-Macrophage Colony-Stimulating Factor in the Treatment of Germ Cell Tumors. C. Bokemeyer, A. Harstrick, U. Rüther, B. Metzner, H.J. Illiger, C. Clemm, W. Siegert, H. Link, H. Ostermann, H.-J. Schmoll. Seminars Oncology (1994) 21 (Suppl 16):57-63
- Zytostatika. B. Metzner, H.J. Illiger. in: Hämatologie für Praxis und Klinik (Hrsg. R. Kuse) Gustav Fischer Verlag Stuttgart Jena New York (1995) : 265-274
- Palliative und supportive Therapie. B. Metzner, H.J. Illiger. in: Hämatologie für Praxis und Klinik (Hrsg. R. Kuse).Gustav Fischer Verlag Stuttgart Jena New York (1995) : 315-317
- Multiinstitutional Home-Therapy Trial of Recombinant Human Interleukin-2 and Interferon Alfa-2 in Progressive Metastatic Renal Cell Carcinoma. J. Atzpodien, E.L. Hänninen, H. Kirchner, H. Bodenstein, M. Pfreundschuh, U. Rebmann, B. Metzner, H.J. Illiger, G. Jakse, T. Niesel, H.J. Scholz, S. Wilhelm, T. Pielmeier, G. Zakrzewski, G. Blum, J. Beier, G.W. Müller, S. Duensing, P. Anton, E. Allhoff, U. Jonas, H. Poliwoda. J Clin Oncology (1995) 13:497-501
- Phase II Study of Paclitaxel in Patients with Relapsed or Cisplatin-refractory Testicular Cancer. C. Bokemeyer, J. Beyer, B. Metzner, U. Rüther, A. Harstrick, L. Weißbach, U. Köhrmann, W. Verbeek, H.-J. Schmoll. Ann Oncol (1996) 7:31-34
- Improved Outcome in Adult B-Cell Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia. D. Hoelzer, W.D. Ludwig, E. Thiel, W. Gaßmann, H. Löffler, C. Fonatsch, H. Rieder, G. Heil, B. Heinze, R. Arnold, D. Hossfeld, T. Büchner, P. Koch, M. Freund, W. Hiddemann, G. Maschmeyer, A. Heyll, C. Aul, T. Faak, R. Kuse, T.H. Ittel, M. Gramatzki, H. Diedrich, K. Kolbe, H.G. Fuhr, K. Fischer, C. Schadeck-Gressel, A. Weiss, I. Strohscheer, B. Metzner, U. Fabry, N. Gökbuget, B. Völkers, D. Messerer, K. Überla. Blood (1996) 87:495-508
- High Dose Mitoxantrone with Thiotepa, Cyclophosphamide and Autologous Stem Cell Rescue for High Risk Stage II and Stage III Breast Cancer. A.R. Zander, W. Krüger, N. Kröger, L. Damon, M. Königmann, W.E. Berdel, F. Gieseking, K. Schäfer-Eckart, V. Möbus, N. Frickhofen, H. Wandt, H.J. Illiger, B. Metzner, K. Kolbe, B. Wörmann, L. Trümper, C. Huber, D.K. Hossfeld, H. Maass, W. Jonat. Bone Marrow Transplantation (1996) 18, Suppl.1:S24-S25
- Treatment of Brain Metastases in Patients with Testicular Cancer. C. Bokemeyer, P. Nowak, A. Haupt, B. Metzner, H. Köhne, J.T. Hartmann, L. Kanz, H.-J. Schmoll. J Clin Oncol (1997) 15:1449-1454
- Therapie der B-ALL und lymphoblastischer B-NHL in den multizentrischen ALL-Studien des Erwachsenen. D. Hoelzer, N. Gökbuget, W.D. Ludwig, E. Thiel, W. Gaßmann, H. Löffler, C. Fonatsch, H. Rieder, G. Heil, B. Heinze, R. Arnold, D. Hossfeld, T. Büchner, P. Koch, M. Freund, W. Hiddemann, G. Maschmeyer, A. Heyll, C. Aul, T. Faak, R. Kuse, T.H. Ittel, M. Gramatzki, H. Diedrich, K. Kolbe, H.G. Fuhr, K. Fischer, C. Schadeck-Gressel, A. Weiss, I. Strohscheer, B. Metzner, U. Fabry, B. Völkers, D. Messerer. In: Maligne Lymphome - Biologie, Klassifikation und Klinik (Hrsg. H.-G. Höffkes, M. Uppenkamp) Springer-Verlag Berlin (1997) : 177-187
- A Phase I/II Study of Sequential, Dose-Escalated, High Dose Ifosfamide plus Doxorubicin with Peripheral Blood Stem Cell Support for the Treatment of Patients with Advanced Soft Tissue Sarcomas. C. Bokemeyer, A. Franzke, J.T. Hartmann, C. Schöber, L. Arseniev, B. Metzner, H. Link, L. Kanz, H.-J. Schmoll. Cancer (1997) 80:1221-1227
- Detection of Melanoma Cells in Peripheral Blood Stem Cell Harvests of Patients with Progressive Metastatic Malignant Melanoma. M. Probst-Kepper, A. Schrader, J. Buer, J. Grosse, M. Volkenandt, H.-J. Illiger, B. Metzner, J. Kadar, S. Duensing, B. Hertenstein, A. Ganser, J. Atzpodien. British J. Haematology (1997) 98:488-490
- The Use of Dose-Intensified Chemotherapy in the Treatment of Metastatic Nonseminomatous Testicular Germ Cell Tumors. C. Bokemeyer, A. Harstrick, J. Beyer, B. Metzner, U. Rüther, J.T. Hartmann, K. Holstein, H.-G. Derigs, R. de Wit, J. Casper, P. Schöffski, I. Kührer, H.-J. Illiger, B. Kempf, A. Reichle, A. Föller, D.K. Hossfeld, J.T. Fischer, W.E. Berdel, H.H. Gerhartz, H. Kirchner, K.-H. Pflüger, H. Ostermann, L. Kanz, H.-J. Schmoll. Sem. Oncol. (1998) 25, Suppl.4: 24-32
- First-Line High-Dose Chemotherapy for ‘Poor Risk’ Metastatic Non-Seminomatous Testicular Germ Cell Tumors. C. Bokemeyer, A. Harstrick, J. Beyer, B. Metzner, U. Rüther, J.T. Hartmann, K. Holstein, H.-G. Derigs, R. de Wit, J. Casper, P. Schöffski, I. Kührer, H.-J. Illiger, B. Kempf, A. Reichle, A. Föller, D.K. Hossfeld, J.T. Fischer, W. Berdel, H. Gerhartz, H. Kirchner, K. Pflüger, H. Ostermann, L. Kanz, H.-J. Schmoll. Onkologie (1998) 21, Suppl.2: 23-25
- Hochdosistherapie beim metastasierten Mammakarzinom. Metzner B. InFoOnkologie 1998;1:113.
- Patientenselektion bei der Hochdosistherapie von Hochrisiko-Mammakarzinomen. Metzner B. InFoOnkologie 1998;1:185.
- Hochdosistherapie mit Stammzell-Support als Primärtherapie für Patientinnen mit fortgeschrittenem Ovarialkarzinom. Metzner B. InFoOnkologie 1998;1:255-256.
- Infectious Complications After High-Dose Therapy and Autologous Stem Cell Transplantation. B. Metzner, R. Dirks, W. Gebauer et al. Annals of Hematology (1998) 77, Suppl. 2: S160
- First-Line High-Dose Chemotherapy Compared With Standard-Dose PEB/VIP Chemotherapy in Patients With Advanced Germ Cell Tumors: A Multivariate and Matched-Pair Analysis. C. Bokemeyer, C. Kollmannsberger, C. Meisner, A. Harstrick, J. Beyer, B. Metzner, J.T. Hartmann, H.-J. Schmoll, L. Einhorn, L. Kanz, C. Nichols. J. Clin. Oncol. (1999) 17: 3450-3456
- Early Infectious Complications after High-Dose Therapy and Autologous Blood Stem Cell Transplantation. B. Metzner, R. Dirks, W. Gebauer, D. Reschke, T.H. Müller, E. Ost, D. Reichert, B. Rosien, F. del Valle, I. Zirpel, J. Hellkamp, K.P. Kohse, F. Schunter, H.J. Illiger. Onkologie (1999) 22: 491-496
- Treatment of Patients With Cisplatin-Refractory Testicular Germ-Cell Cancer. German Testicular Cancer Study Group (GTCSG). C. Bokemeyer, C. Kollmannsberger, A. Harstrick, J. Beyer, A. Gerl, J. Casper, B. Metzner, J.T. Hartmann, H.J. Schmoll, L. Kanz. Int. J. Cancer (1999) 83: 848-851
- Hochdosischemotherapie mit Stammzelltransplantation: effektives Therapieregime beim aggressiven Mantelzellymphom. Metzner B, Illiger HJ. InFoOnkologie 1999;2:258-259.
- ASHAP - an Effective Salvage Therapy for Recurrent and Refractory Malignant Lymphomas. M. Hänel, N. Kröger, M.M. Hoffknecht, S.O. Peters, B. Metzner, F. Fiedler, D. Braumann, J.C. Schubert, H.J. Illiger, A. Hänel, W.H. Krüger, W. Zeller, H.J. Weh, D.K. Hossfeld, A.R. Zander Ann. Hematol. (2000) 79: 304-311
- Optimal CD34(+) Cell Dose in Autologous Peripheral-Blood Stem-Cell Transplantation. O. Sezer, K. Possinger, B. Metzner, H.J. Illiger, M. Wattad, W. Heit, H. Fuss, W. Schultze. J. Clin. Oncol. (2000) 18: 3319-3320
- Dose-Dependent Effect of Etoposide in Combination with Busulfan Plus Cyclophosphamide as Conditioning for Stem Cell Transplantation in Patients with Acute Myeloid Leukemia. N. Kröger, T. Zabelina, S. Sonnenberg, W. Krüger, H. Renges, N. Stute, F. Finkenstein, U. Mayer, K. Holstein, W. Fiedler, H. Colberg, R. Sonnen, R. Kuse, D. Braumann, B. Metzner, F. del Valle, R. Erttmann, H. Kabisch, A.R. Zander Bone Marrow Transplantation (2000) 26: 711-716
- Determination of Cytokeratin-Expressing Cells in Blood, Bone Marrow and Blood Progenitor Cell Products. W. Gebauer, E. Fallgren-Gebauer, I. Barklage, B. Metzner, F. Schunter. In: Proceedings of the Forth International Stem Cell Workshop: High-Dose Therapy and Transplantation of Haematopoietic Stem Cells (Editor: W. Schultze) Blackwell Verlag Berlin – Vienna (2000): 98-100
- M. Hodgkin ohne Ansprechen auf primäre Chemotherapie: Ergebnisse der Hochdosistherapie mit autologer Stammzelltransplantation. Metzner B. InFoOnkologie 2000;3:36-37.
- Rezidivtherapie nach Hochdosischemotherapie bei Keimzelltumoren. Metzner B. InFoOnkologie 2000;3:277-278.
- Salvage Treatment With Paclitaxel, Ifosfamide and Cisplatin Plus High-Dose Carboplatin, Etoposide and Thiotepa Followed by Autologous Stem-Cell Rescue in Patients With Relapsed or Refractory Germ Cell Cancer. O. Rick, C. Bokemeyer, J. Beyer, J.T. Hartmann, N. Schwella, D. Kingreen, S. Neureither, B. Metzner, J. Casper, H. Wandt, F. Hartmann, H.J. Schmoll, G. Derigs, A. Gerl, W.E. Berdel, L. Kanz, W. Siegert J. Clin. Oncol. (2001) 19: 81-88
- Clinical Impact of Germ Cell Tumor Cells in Apheresis Products of Patients Receiving High-Dose Chemotherapy. C. Bokemeyer, A.J. Gillis, K. Pompe, F. Mayer, B. Metzner, N. Schleucher, J. Schleicher, G. Pflugrad-Jauch, JW Oosterhuis, L. Kanz, L.H. Looijenga J. Clin. Oncol (2001) 19: 3029-3036
- IL-2 in Combination with IFN-α and 5-FU versus Tamoxifen in Metastatic Renal Cell Carcinoma: Long-term Results of a Controlled Randomized Clinical Trial. J. Atzpodien, H. Kirchner H.J. Illiger, B. Metzner, D. Ukena, H. Schott, P.J. Funke, M. Gramatzki, S. von Jürgenson, T. Wandert, T. Patzelt, M. Reitz, DGCIN (German Cooperative Renal Carcinoma Chemo-Immunotherapy Trials Group) Brit. J. Cancer (2001) 85: 1130-1136
- Hochdosischemotherapie mit autologer Stammzelltransplantation für fortgeschrittene Weichteilsarkome bei Erwachsenen. Metzner B. InFoOnkologie 2001;4:141.
- Hochdosistherapie mit autologer Knochenmarktransplantation bei follikulären Lymphomen in erster Remission. Metzner B. InFoOnkologie 2001;4:284-285.
- Late infectious complications after high dose therapy and autologous stem cell transplantation. B. Metzner, R. Grüneisl, W. Gebauer et al. Onkologie (2001) 24, Sonderheft 6: Abstr. 522
- Busulfan, Cyclophosphamide, and Etoposide as high-dose conditioning regimen in patients with malignant lymphoma. M. Hänel, N. Kröger, S. Sonnenberg, M. Bornhäuser, W. Krüger, F. Kroschinsky, A. Hänel, B. Metzner, J. Birkmann, B. Schmidt, M.M. Hoffknecht, F. Fiedler, G. Ehninger, A.R. Zander Ann. Hematol. (2002) 81: 96-102
- Treatment-induced anaemia and its potential clinical impact in patients receiving sequential high dose chemotherapy for metastatic testicular cancer. C. Bokemeyer, K. Oechsle, J.T. Hartmann, P. Schöffski, N. Schleucher, B. Metzner, J. Schleicher, L. Kanz Brit. J. Cancer (2002) 87: 1066-1071
- Rituximab zur Remissionsinduktion bei rezidivierten und refraktären indolenten Lymphomen und Mantelzell-Lymphomen. R. Forstpointner, A. Hänel, R. Repp, S. Hermann, B. Metzner, C. Pott, F. Hartmann, F. Rothmann, H.P.Böck, H. Wandt, M. Unterhalt, W. Hiddemann. Dtsch. Med. Wochenschr. (2002) 127: 2253-2258
- Randomized Study to Evaluate the Use of High-Dose Therapy as Part of Primary Treatment for “Aggressive” Lymphoma. U. Kaiser, I. Uebelacker, U. Abel, J. Birkmann, L. Trümper, H. Schmalenberg, T. Karakas, B. Metzner, D.K. Hossfeld, H.G. Bischoff, A. Franke, M. Reiser, P. Müller, L. Mantovani, M. Grundeis, F. Rothmann, C.-U. v. Seydewitz, R.M. Mesters, E.U. Steinhauer, D. Krahl, K. Schumacher, M. Kneba, M. Baudis, N. Schmitz, R. Pfab, H. Köppler, R. Parwaresch, M. Pfreundschuh, K. Havemann. J. Clin. Oncol. (2002) 20: 4413-4419
- Späte infektiöse Komplikationen nach Hochdosistherapie und autologer Blutstammzelltransplantation. B. Metzner, R. Grüneisl, W. Gebauer, D. Reschke, E. Ost, T.H. Müller, D. Reichert, B. Rosien, F. del Valle, I. Zirpel, K.P. Kohse, F. Schunter, H.-J. Illiger. Med. Klin. (2002) 97: 650-658
- AL-Amyloidose: Hochdosis-Melphalan mit autologer Stammzelltransplantation. Metzner B. InFoOnkologie 2002;5:161-162.
- Analysis of Salvage Treatments for Germ Cell Cancer Patients Who Have Relapsed After Primary High-Dose Chemotherapy Plus Autologous Stem Cell Support. C. Kollmannsberger, N. Schleucher, O. Rick, B. Metzner, J.T. Hartmann, P. Schoffski, J. Beyer, J. Casper, M. Sosada, H.J. Schmoll, I. Bohlke, C. Meisner, L. Kanz, C. Bokemeyer. Eur J Cancer (2003) 39 : 775-82
- First-line sequential high-dose VIP chemotherapy with autologous transplantation for patients with primary mediastinal nonseminomatous germ cell tumours: a prospective trial. C. Bokemeyer, N. Schleucher, B. Metzner, M. Thomas, O. Rick, H.-J. Schmoll, C. Kollmannsberger, I. Boehlke, L. Kanz, J.T. Hartmann. British J. Cancer (2003) 89: 29-35
- Stem Cell Transplantation in Acute Myeloid Leukemia after Conditioning with Busulfan, Cyclophosphamide and Different Dosages of Etoposide (VP-16). N. Kröger, T. Zabelina, S. Sonnenberg, W. Krüger, H. Renges, N. Stute, F. Finkenstein, U. Mayer, K. Holstein, W. Fiedler, H. Colberg, R. Sonnen, R. Kuse, D. Braumann, B. Metzner, F. del Valle, R. Erttmann, H. Kabisch, A.R. Zander. In: Transplantation in Hematology and Oncology II. (Hrsg.: W.E. Berdel, H. Jürgens, Th. Büchner, J. Ritter, J. Kienast, J. Vormooor) Springer-Verlag Berlin (2003): 219-227
- Recombinant human erythropoietin, epoietin beta, in patients with relapsed lymphoma treated with aggressive sequential salvage chemotherapy – results of a randomized trial. J.P. Glossmann, A. Engert, G. Wassmer, H. Flechtner, Y. Ko, C. Rudolph, B. Metzner, B. Dörken, S. Wiedenmann, V. Diehl, A. Josting. Ann Hematol. (2003) 82: 469-475
- High-Dose Therapy for Patients With Primary Multifocal and Early Relapsed Ewing´s Tumors: Results of Two Consecutive Regimens Assessing the Role of Total-Body Irradiation. S. Burdach, A. Meyer-Bahlburg, H.J. Laws, R. Haase, B. van Kaik, B. Metzner, A. Wawer, R. Finke, U. Göbel, J. Haerting, H. Pape, H. Gadner, J. Dunst, H. Juergens. J. Clin. Oncol. (2003) 21: 3072-3078
- A new conditioning regimen involving total marrow irradiation, busulfan and cyclophophamide followed by autologous PBSCT in patients with advanced multiple myeloma. H. Einsele, M. Bamberg, W. Budach, H. Schmidberger, C.F. Hess, B. Wörmann, C. Meisner, C. Straka, H. Hebart, L. Trümper, N. Kröger, A.R. Zander, S. Hegewisch-Becker, D.K. Hossfeld, H. Schmidt, P. Müller, G. Schlimok, B. Hertenstein, D. Peest, B. Metzner, N. Frickhofen, L. Kanz, W.I. Bensinger. Bone Marrow Transplantation (2003) 32: 593-599
- Long-Term Results of First-Line Sequential High-Dose Etoposide, Ifosfamide, and Cisplatin Chemotherapy Plus Autologous Stem Cell Support for Patients With Advanced Metastatic Germ Cell Cancer: An Extended Phase I/II Study of the German Testicular Cancer Study Group. H.-J. Schmoll, C. Kollmannsberger, B. Metzner, J.T. Hartmann, N. Schleucher, P. Schöffski, J. Schleicher, O. Rick, J. Beyer, D. Hossfeld, L. Kanz, W.E. Berdel, R. Andreesen, C. Bokemeyer. J. Clin. Oncol. (2003) 21: 4083-4091
- Therapeutische Rolle von CAMPATH-1H bei CLL nach Versagen von Fludarabin. Metzner B. InFoOnkologie 2003;6: .
- Syngene hämatopoetische Stammzelltransplantation bei Non-Hodgkin-Lymphomen: Vergleich mit allogener und autologer Transplantation. Metzner B. InFoOnkologie 2003;6:1-2.
- Combination chemotherapy with gemcitabine plus oxaliplatin in patients with intensively pretreated or refractory germ cell cancer: a study of the German Testicular Cancer Study Group. C. Kollmannsberger, J. Beyer, R. Liersch, P. Schöffski, B. Metzner, J.T. Hartmann, O. Rick, K. Stengele, K. Hohloch, C. Spott, L. Kanz, C. Bokemeyer. J. Clin. Oncol. (2004) 22: 108-114
- Interleukin-2- and interferon alfa-2a-based immunochemotherapy in advanced renal cell carcinoma: a Prospectively Randomized Trial of the German Cooperative Renal Carcinoma Chemoimmunotherapy Group (DGCIN). Atzpodien J, Kirchner H, Jonas U, Bergmann L, Schott H, Heynemann H, Fornara P, Loening SA, Roigas J, Muller SC, Bodenstein H, Pomer S, Metzner B, Rebmann U, Oberneder R, Siebels M, Wandert T, Puchberger T, Reitz M; Prospectively Randomized Trial of the German Cooperative Renal Carcinoma Chemoimmunotherapy Group (DGCIN). J Clin Oncol. 2004 Apr 1;22(7):1188-94.
- Two-weekly or 3-weekly CHOP chemotherapy with or without etoposide for the treatment of young patients with good-prognosis (normal LDH) aggressive lymphomas: results of the NHL-B1 trial of the DSHNHL. Pfreundschuh M, Trumper L, Kloess M, Schmits R, Feller AC, Rudolph C, Reiser M, Hossfeld DK, Metzner B, Hasenclever D, Schmitz N, Glass B, Rube C, Loeffler M; German High-Grade Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma Study Group. Blood. 2004 Aug 1;104(3):626-33.
- High-dose chemotherapy with autologous hematopoietic stem-cell support compared with standard-dose chemotherapy in breast cancer patients with 10 or more positive lymph nodes: first results of a randomized trial. Zander AR, Kroger N, Schmoor C, Kruger W, Mobus V, Frickhofen N, Metzner B, Schultze W, Berdel WE, Koenigsmann M, Thiel E, Wandt H, Possinger K, Trumper L, Kreienberg R, Carstensen M, Schmidt EH, Janicke F, Schumacher M, Jonat W. J Clin Oncol. 2004 Jun 15;22(12):2273-83.
- Myeloablative radiochemotherapy followed by autologous stem cell transplantation in first remission prolongs progression-free survival in follicular lymphoma: results of a prospective, randomized trial of the German Low-Grade Lymphoma Study Group. Lenz G, Dreyling M, Schiegnitz E, Forstpointner R, Wandt H, Freund M, Hess G, Truemper L, Diehl V, Kropff M, Kneba M, Schmitz N, Metzner B, Pfirrmann M, Unterhalt M, Hiddemann W; German Low-Grade Lymphoma Study Group. Blood. 2004 Nov 1;104(9):2667-74.
- The addition of rituximab to a combination of fludarabine, cyclophosphamide, mitoxantrone (FCM) significantly increases the response rate and prolongs survival as compared with FCM alone in patients with relapsed and refractory follicular and mantle cell lymphomas: results of a prospective randomized study of the German Low-Grade Lymphoma Study Group. Forstpointner R, Dreyling M, Repp R, Hermann S, Hanel A, Metzner B, Pott C, Hartmann F, Rothmann F, Rohrberg R, Bock HP, Wandt H, Unterhalt M, Hiddemann W; German Low-Grade Lymphoma Study Group. Blood. 2004 Nov 15;104(10):3064-71.
- Langzeit-Beobachtung nach Hochdosis-Chemotherapie und autologer Stammzelltransplantation für hochmaligne B-Zell-Lymphome: verbesserte Ergebnisse für Hochrisiko-Patienten. Metzner B. InFoOnkologie 2004;7:574-575.
- Early consolidation by myeloablative radiochemotherapy followed by autologous stem cell transplantation in first remission significantly prolongs progression-free survival in mantle-cell lymphoma: results of a prospective randomized trial of the European MCL Network. Dreyling M, Lenz G, Hoster E, Van Hoof A, Gisselbrecht C, Schmits R, Metzner B, Truemper L, Reiser M, Steinhauer H, Boiron JM, Boogaerts MA, Aldaoud A, Silingardi V, Kluin-Nelemans HC, Hasford J, Parwaresch R, Unterhalt M, Hiddemann W. Blood. 2005 Apr 1;105(7):2677-84.
- Cologne high-dose sequential chemotherapy in relapsed and refractory Hodgkin lymphoma: results of a large multicenter study of the German Hodgkin Lymphoma Study Group (GHSG). Josting A, Rudolph C, Mapara M, Glossmann JP, Sienawski M, Sieber M, Kirchner HH, Dorken B, Hossfeld DK, Kisro J, Metzner B, Berdel WE, Diehl V, Engert A. Ann Oncol. 2005 Jan;16(1):116-23.
- Secondary leukemia after first-line high-dose chemotherapy for patients with advanced germ cell cancer. Wierecky J, Kollmannsberger C, Boehlke I, Kuczyk M, Schleicher J, Schleucher N, Metzner B, Kanz L, Hartmann JT, Bokemeyer C. J Cancer Res Clin Oncol. 2005 Apr;131(4):255-60.
- Immunochemotherapy with rituximab and cyclophosphamide, doxorubicin, vincristine, and prednisone significantly improves response and time to treatment failure, but not long-term outcome in patients with previously untreated mantle cell lymphoma: results of a prospective randomized trial of the German Low Grade Lymphoma Study Group (GLSG). Lenz G, Dreyling M, Hoster E, Wormann B, Duhrsen U, Metzner B, Eimermacher H, Neubauer A, Wandt H, Steinhauer H, Martin S, Heidemann E, Aldaoud A, Parwaresch R, Hasford J, Unterhalt M, Hiddemann W. J Clin Oncol. 2005 Mar 20;23(9):1984-92.
- High-dose sequential chemotherapy followed by autologous stem cell transplantation in relapsed and refractory aggressive non-Hodgkins lymphoma: results of a multicenter phase II study. Josting A, Sieniawski M, Glossmann JP, Staak O, Nogova L, Peters N, Mapara M, Dorken B, Ko Y, Metzner B, Kisro J, Diehl V, Engert A. Ann Oncol. 2005 Aug;16(8):1359-65.
- Front-line therapy with rituximab added to the combination of cyclophosphamide, doxorubicin, vincristine and prednisone (CHOP) significantly improves the outcome of patients with advanced stage follicular lymphomas as compared to CHOP alone - results of a prospective randomized study of the german low grade lymphoma study group (GLSG). Hiddemann W, Kneba M, Dreyling M, Schmitz N, Lengfelder E, Schmits R, Reiser M, Metzner B, Harder H, Hegewisch-Becker S, Fischer T, Kropff M, Reis HE, Freund M, Wormann B, Fuchs R, Planker M, Schimke J, Eimermacher H, Trumper L, Aldaoud A, Parwaresch R, Unterhalt M. Blood. 2005 Aug 25; [Epub ahead of print]
- Comparison of rapidly cycled tandem high-dose chemotherapy plus peripheral-blood stem-cell support versus dose-dense conventional chemotherapy for adjuvant treatment of high-risk breast cancer: results of a multicentre phase III trial. Nitz UA, Mohrmann S, Fischer J, Lindemann W, Berdel WE, Jackisch C, Werner C, Ziske C, Kirchner H, Metzner B, Souchon R, Ruffert U, Schutt G, Pollmanns A, Schmoll HJ, Middecke C, Baltzer J, Schrader I, Wiebringhaus H, Ko Y, Rosel S, Schwenzer T, Wernet P, Hinke A, Bender HG, Frick M; West German Study Group. Lancet. 2005 Dec 3;366(9501):1935-44. Erratum in: Lancet. 2006 Mar 4;367(9512):730.
- Four versus six courses of a dose-escalated cyclophosphamide, doxorubicin, vincristine, and prednisone (CHOP) regimen plus etoposide (megaCHOEP) and autologous stem cell transplantation: early dose intensity is crucial in treating younger patients with poor prognosis aggressive lymphoma. Schmitz N, Kloess M, Reiser M, Berdel WE, Metzner B, Dorken B, Kneba M, Trumper L, Loeffler M, Pfreundschuh M, Glass B; German High-Grade Non Hodgkins Lymphoma Study Group (DSHNHL). Cancer. 2006 Jan 1;106(1):136-45.
- Neuropsychological function in high-risk breast cancer survivors after stem-cell supported high-dose therapy versus standard-dose chemotherapy: evaluation of long-term treatment effects. Scherwath A, Mehnert A, Schleimer B, Schirmer L, Fehlauer F, Kreienberg R, Metzner B, Thiel E, Zander AR, Schulz-Kindermann F, Koch U. Ann Oncol. 2006 Mar;17(3):415-23. Epub 2005 Dec 15.
- Interleukin-2/interferon-alpha2a/13-retinoic acid-based chemoimmunotherapy in advanced renal cell carcinoma: results of a prospectively randomised trial of the German Cooperative Renal Carcinoma Chemoimmunotherapy Group (DGCIN). Atzpodien J, Kirchner H, Rebmann U, Soder M, Gertenbach U, Siebels M, Roigas J, Raschke R, Salm S, Schwindl B, Muller SC, Hauser S, Leiber C, Huland E, Heinzer H, Siemer S, Metzner B, Heynemann H, Fornara P, Reitz M. Br J Cancer. 2006 Aug 21;95(4):463-9. Epub 2006 Aug 8.
- Randomized trial of single compared with tandem high-dose chemotherapy followed by autologous stem-cell transplantation in patients with chemotherapy-sensitive metastatic breast cancer. Kroger N, Frick M, Gluz O, Mohrmann S, Metzner B, Jackisch C, Ko Y, Lindemann HW, Meier CR, Lohrmann HP, Ruffert U, Hanel M, Bodenstein H, Neubauer A, Ehninger G, Wolf HH, Kolbe K, Burock K, Zander AR, Nitz U. J Clin Oncol. 2006 Aug 20;24(24):3919-26.
- Maintenance therapy with rituximab leads to a significant prolongation of response duration after salvage therapy with a combination of rituximab, fludarabine, cyclophosphamide, and mitoxantrone (R-FCM) in patients with recurring and refractory follicular and mantle cell lymphomas: Results of a prospective randomized study of the German Low Grade Lymphoma Study Group (GLSG). Forstpointner R, Unterhalt M, Dreyling M, Bock HP, Repp R, Wandt H, Pott C, Seymour JF, Metzner B, Hanel A, Lehmann T, Hartmann F, Einsele H, Hiddemann W; German Low Grade Lymphoma Study Group (GLSG). Blood. 2006;108:4003-8.
- Single versus sequential high-dose chemotherapy in patients with relapsed or refractory germ cell tumors: a prospective randomized multicenter trial of the German Testicular Cancer Study Group. Lorch A, Kollmannsberger C, Hartmann JT, Metzner B, Schmidt-Wolf IG, Berdel WE, Weissinger F, Schleicher J, Egerer G, Haas A, Schirren R, Beyer J, Bokemeyer C, Rick O; German Testicular Cancer Study Group. J Clin Oncol. 2007 Jul 1;25(19):2778-84.
- Bortezomib in combination with intermediate-dose dexamethasone and continuous low-dose oral cyclophosphamide for relapsed multiple myeloma. Kropff M, Bisping G, Schuck E, Liebisch P, Lang N, Hentrich M, Dechow T, Kroger N, Salwender H, Metzner B, Sezer O, Engelhardt M, Wolf HH, Einsele H, Volpert S, Heinecke A, Berdel WE, Kienast J; Deutsche Studiengruppe Multiples Myelom,. Br J Haematol. 2007 Aug;138(3):330-7.
- A new prognostic index (MIPI) for patients with advanced-stage mantle cell lymphoma. Hoster E, Dreyling M, Klapper W, Gisselbrecht C, van Hoof A, Kluin-Nelemans HC, Pfreundschuh M, Reiser M, Metzner B, Einsele H, Peter N, Jung W, Wörmann B, Ludwig WD, Dührsen U, Eimermacher H, Wandt H, Hasford J, Hiddemann W, Unterhalt M; German Low Grade Lymphoma Study Group (GLSG); European Mantle Cell Lymphoma Network. Blood. 2008 Jan 15;111(2):558-65. Epub 2007 Oct 25. Erratum in: Blood. 2008 Jun 15;111(12):5761.
- Phase I/II study of sequential dose-intensified ifosfamide, cisplatin, and etoposide plus paclitaxel as induction chemotherapy for poor prognosis germ cell tumors by the German Testicular Cancer Study Group. Hartmann JT, Gauler T, Metzner B, Gerl A, Casper J, Rick O, Horger M, Schleicher J, Derigs G, Mayer-Steinacker R, Beyer J, Kuczyk MA, Bokemeyer C; German Testicular Cancer Study Group. J Clin Oncol. 2007 Dec 20;25(36):5742-7.
- Triple-negative high-risk breast cancer derives particular benefit from dose intensification of adjuvant chemotherapy: results of WSG AM-01 trial. Gluz O, Nitz UA, Harbeck N, Ting E, Kates R, Herr A, Lindemann W, Jackisch C, Berdel WE, Kirchner H, Metzner B, Werner F, Schütt G, Frick M, Poremba C, Diallo-Danebrock R, Mohrmann S; West German Study Group. Ann Oncol. 2008;19:861-70.
- High-dose therapy and autologous stem-cell transplantation in angioimmunoblastic lymphoma: complete remission at transplantation is the major determinant of Outcome-Lymphoma Working Party of the European Group for Blood and Marrow Transplantation. Kyriakou C, Canals C, Goldstone A, Caballero D, Metzner B, Kobbe G, Kolb HJ, Kienast J, Reimer P, Finke J, Oberg G, Hunter A, Theorin N, Sureda A, Schmitz N; Outcome-Lymphoma Working Party of the European Group for Blood and Marrow Transplantation. J Clin Oncol. 2008 Jan 10;26(2):218-24.
- Dose-escalated CHOEP for the treatment of young patients with aggressive non-Hodgkins lymphoma: I. A randomized dose escalation and feasibility study with bi- and tri-weekly regimens. Trümper L, Zwick C, Ziepert M, Hohloch K, Schmits R, Mohren M, Liersch R, Bentz M, Graeven U, Wruck U, Hoffmann M, Metzner B, Hasenclever D, Loeffler M, Pfreundschuh M; German High-Grade Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma Study Group (DSHNHL). Ann Oncol. 2008;19:538-44.
- Six versus eight cycles of bi-weekly CHOP-14 with or without rituximab in elderly patients with aggressive CD20+ B-cell lymphomas: a randomised controlled trial (RICOVER-60). Pfreundschuh M, Schubert J, Ziepert M, Schmits R, Mohren M, Lengfelder E, Reiser M, Nickenig C, Clemens M, Peter N, Bokemeyer C, Eimermacher H, Ho A, Hoffmann M, Mertelsmann R, Trümper L, Balleisen L, Liersch R, Metzner B, Hartmann F, Glass B, Poeschel V, Schmitz N, Ruebe C, Feller AC, Loeffler M; German High-Grade Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma Study Group (DSHNHL). Lancet Oncol. 2008;9:105-16.
- Randomized trial of high-dose adjuvant chemotherapy with autologous hematopoietic stem-cell support versus standard-dose chemotherapy in breast cancer patients with 10 or more positive lymph nodes: overall survival after 6 years of follow-up. Zander AR, Schmoor C, Kröger N, Krüger W, Möbus V, Frickhofen N, Metzner B, Berdel WE, Koenigsmann M, Thiel E, Wandt H, Possinger K, Kreienberg R, Schumacher M, Jonat W. Ann Oncol. 2008;19:1082-9.
- The addition of rituximab to front-line therapy with CHOP (R-CHOP) results in a higher response rate and longer time to treatment failure in patients with lymphoplasmacytic lymphoma: results of a randomized trial of the German Low-Grade Lymphoma Study Group (GLSG). Buske C, Hoster E, Dreyling M, Eimermacher H, Wandt H, Metzner B, Fuchs R, Bittenbring J, Woermann B, Hohloch K, Hess G, Ludwig WD, Schimke J, Schmitz S, Kneba M, Reiser M, Graeven U, Klapper W, Unterhalt M, Hiddemann W; German Low-Grade Lymphoma Study Group. Leukemia. 2009;23:153-61.
- Improvement of overall survival in advanced stage mantle cell lymphoma. Herrmann A, Hoster E, Zwingers T, Brittinger G, Engelhard M, Meusers P, Reiser M, Forstpointner R, Metzner B, Peter N, Wörmann B, Trümper L, Pfreundschuh M, Einsele H, Hiddemann W, Unterhalt M, Dreyling M. J Clin Oncol. 2009;27:511-8.
- High-dose CHOP plus etoposide (MegaCHOEP) in T-cell lymphoma: a comparative analysis of patients treated within trials of the German High-Grade Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma Study Group (DSHNHL). Nickelsen M, Ziepert M, Zeynalova S, Glass B, Metzner B, Leithaeuser M, Mueller-Hermelink HK, Pfreundschuh M, Schmitz N. Ann Oncol. 2009 Jul 1. [Epub ahead of print]
- Maligne Lymphome: Empfehlungen zur Diagnostik und Therapie, Teil I und II. Metzner B, Projektgruppe des Tumorzentrums Weser-Ems, 2009
- High-dose therapy followed by autologous stem-cell transplantation with and without rituximab for primary treatment of high-risk diffuse large B-cell lymphoma. Glass B, Ziepert M, Reiser M, Freund M, Trümper L, Metzner B, Feller A, Loeffler M, Pfreundschuh M, Schmitz N; German High-Grade Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma Study Group (DSHNHL). Ann Oncol. 2010;21:2255-61.
- Treatment and prognosis of mature T-cell and NK-cell lymphoma: an analysis of patients with T-cell lymphoma treated in studies of the German High-Grade Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma Study Group. Schmitz N, Trümper L, Ziepert M, Nickelsen M, Ho AD, Metzner B, Peter N, Loeffler M, Rosenwald A, Pfreundschuh M. Blood. 2010;116:3418-25.
- Dose intensity of chemotherapy in patients with relapsed Hodgkins lymphoma. Josting A, Müller H, Borchmann P, Baars JW, Metzner B, Döhner H, Aurer I, Smardova L, Fischer T, Niederwieser D, Schäfer-Eckart K, Schmitz N, Sureda A, Glossmann J, Diehl V, DeJong D, Hansmann ML, Raemaekers J, Engert A. J Clin Oncol. 2010;28:5074-80.
- Testing G-CSF responsiveness predicts the individual susceptibility to infection and consecutive treatment in recipients of high-dose chemotherapy. Straka C, Sandherr M, Salwender H, Wandt H, Metzner B, Hübel K, Silling G, Hentrich M, Franke D, Schwerdtfeger R, Freund M, Sezer O, Giagounidis A, Ehninger G, Grimminger W, Engert A, Schlimok G, Scheid C, Hellmann P, Heinisch H, Einsele H, Hinke A, Emmerich B. Blood. 2011;117:2121-8.
- Long-term remissions in metastatic malignant melanoma following chemotherapy and tamoxifen maintenance. Metzner B, Casper J, Hartung G, Rosien B, Hölzle E, Pelzer P, Köhne CH. Onkologie. 2011;34:208-209.
- The role of sex and weight on rituximab clearance and serum elimination half-life in elderly patients with DLBCL. Müller C, Murawski N, Wiesen MH, Held G, Poeschel V, Zeynalova S, Wenger M, Nickenig C, Peter N, Lengfelder E, Metzner B, Rixecker T, Zwick C, Pfreundschuh M, Reiser M. Blood. 2012;119:3276-84.
- Autologous and Allogeneic Stem-Cell Transplantation for Transformed Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (Richters Syndrome): A Retrospective Analysis From the Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia Subcommittee of the Chronic Leukemia Working Party and Lymphoma Working Party of the European Group for Blood and Marrow Transplantation. Cwynarski K, van Biezen A, de Wreede L, Stilgenbauer S, Bunjes D, Metzner B, Koza V, Mohty M, Remes K, Russell N, Nagler A, Scholten M, de Witte T, Sureda A, Dreger P. J Clin Oncol. 2012 Apr 30. [Epub ahead of print]
- Phase II study of CNS-directed chemotherapy including high-dose chemotherapy with autologous stem cell transplantation for CNS relapse of aggressive lymphomas. Korfel A, Elter T, Thiel E, Hänel M, Möhle R, Schroers R, Reiser M, Dreyling M, Eucker J, Scholz CW, Metzner B, Röth A, Birkmann J, Schlegel U, Martus P, Illerhaus G, Fischer L. Haematologica. 2012 Dec 14. [Epub ahead of print]
- Long-term clinical and molecular remissions in patients with follicular lymphoma following high-dose therapy and autologous stem cell transplantation. Metzner B, Pott C, Müller TH, Gebauer W, Casper J, Kraemer D, Rosien B, Schumann-Binarsch S, Thole R, Köhne CH. Ann Oncol. 2013 Feb 7. [Epub ahead of print]
- Rituximab Purging and/ or Maintenance in Patients Receiving an Autologous Transplant for Relapsed Follicular Lymphoma: A prospective, randomized trial from the Lymphoma Working Party of the European Group for Blood and Marrow Transplantation. Pettengell R, Schmitz N, Gisselbrecht C , Smith G, Patton WN, Metzner B, et al. J Clin Oncol. 2013 May 1;31(13):1624-30.
- Long-term clinical and molecular remissions in patients with mantle cell lymphoma following high-dose therapy and autologous stem cell transplantation. Metzner B, Müller TH, Gebauer W, Casper J, Kraemer D, Rosien B, Schumann-Binarsch S, Thole R, Köhne CH, Dreyling M, Pott C. Ann Hematol. 2014 May;93(5):803-10. doi: 10.1007/s00277-013-1976-x. Epub 2013 Dec 13.
- Risk-adapted, treosulfan-based therapy with auto- and allo-SCT for relapsed/refractory aggressive NHL: a prospective phase-II trial. Koenigsmann M, Casper J, Kahl C, Basara N, Sayer HG, Behre G, Theurich S, Christopeit M, Mohren M, Reichle A, Metzner B, Ganser A, Stadler M, Uharek L, Balleisen L, Hinke A, Hinke R, Niederwieser D. Bone Marrow Transplant. 2014 Mar;49(3):410-5. doi: 10.1038/bmt.2013.199. Epub 2013 Dec 23.
- Response-adapted consolidation with bortezomib after ASCT improves progression-free survival in newly diagnosed multiple myeloma. Einsele H, Knop S, Vogel M, Müller J, Kropff M, Metzner B, Langer C, Sayer H, Jung W, Dürk HA, Salwender H, Wandt H, Bassermann F, Gramatzki M, Rösler W, Wolf HH, Brugger W, Engelhardt M, Fischer T, Liebisch P, Straka C. Leukemia. 2017 Jun;31(6):1463-1466. doi: 10.1038/leu.2017.83. Epub 2017 Mar 15. No abstract available.
- Granulocyte-colony stimulating factor response is superior to neutropenia duration in predicting the risk of infection after high-dose chemotherapy for myeloma and lymphoma. Straka C, Salwender H, Schnabel B, Sandherr M, Wandt H, Hübel K, Scheid C, Metzner B, Hentrich M, Franke D, Weidenegger G, Freund M, Sezer O, Einsele H, Hinke A, Emmerich B. Leuk Lymphoma. 2015 Feb;56(2):368-76. doi: 10.3109/10428194.2014.919631. Epub 2014 May 27.
- Aktualisierte Kriterien für die Diagnose des multiplen Myeloms. Metzner B. InFo Onkologie April 2015 DOI: 10.1007/s15004-015-0801-1
- Prognostic relevance of DHAP dose-density in relapsed Hodgkin lymphoma: an analysis of the German Hodgkin-Study Group. Sasse S, Alram M, Müller H, Smardová L, Metzner B, Doehner H, Fischer T, Niederwieser DW, Schmitz N, Schäfer-Eckart K, Raemaekers JM, Schmalz O, Tresckow BV, Engert A, Borchmann P. Leuk Lymphoma. 2016 May;57(5):1067-73. doi: 10.3109/10428194.2015.1083561. Epub 2015 Dec 23.
- First-line therapy of peripheral T-cell lymphoma: extension and long-term follow-up of a study investigating the role of autologous stem cell transplantation. Wilhelm M, Smetak M, Reimer P, Geissinger E, Ruediger T, Metzner B, Schmitz N, Engert A, Schaefer-Eckart K, Birkmann J. Blood Cancer J. 2016 Jul 29;6(7):e452. doi: 10.1038/bcj.2016.63.
- Addition of high-dose cytarabine to immunochemotherapy before autologous stem-cell transplantation in patients aged 65 years or younger with mantle cell lymphoma (MCL Younger): a randomised, open-label, phase 3 trial of the European Mantle Cell Lymphoma Network. Hermine O, Hoster E, Walewski J, Bosly A, Stilgenbauer S, Thieblemont C, Szymczyk M, Bouabdallah R, Kneba M, Hallek M, Salles G, Feugier P, Ribrag V, Birkmann J, Forstpointner R, Haioun C, Hänel M, Casasnovas RO, Finke J, Peter N, Bouabdallah K, Sebban C, Fischer T, Dührsen U, Metzner B, Maschmeyer G, Kanz L, Schmidt C, Delarue R, Brousse N, Klapper W, Macintyre E, Delfau-Larue MH, Pott C, Hiddemann W, Unterhalt M, Dreyling M; European Mantle Cell Lymphoma Network. Lancet. 2016 Aug 6;388(10044):565-75.
- Autotransplant with and without induction chemotherapy in older multiple myeloma patients: long-term outcome of a randomized trial. Straka C, Liebisch P, Salwender H, Hennemann B, Metzner B, Knop S, Adler-Reichel S, Gerecke C, Wandt H, Bentz M, Bruemmendorf TH, Hentrich M, Pfreundschuh M, Wolf HH, Sezer O, Bargou R, Jung W, Trümper L, Hertenstein B, Heidemann E, Bernhard H, Lang N, Frickhofen N, Hebart H, Schmidmaier R, Sandermann A, Dechow T, Reichle A, Schnabel B, Schäfer-Eckart K, Langer C, Gramatzki M, Hinke A, Emmerich B, Einsele H. Haematologica. 2016 Nov;101(11):1398-1406. Epub 2016 Aug 4.
- Radioimmunotherapy-augmented BEAM chemotherapy vs BEAM alone as the high-dose regimen for autologous stem cell transplantation (ASCT) in relapsed follicular lymphoma (FL): a retrospective study of the EBMT Lymphoma Working Party. Bento L, Boumendil A, Finel H, Le Gouill S, Amorim S, Monjanel H, Bouabdallah R, Bay JO, Nicolas-Virelizier E, McQuaker G, Rossi G, Johnson R, Huynh A, Ceballos P, Rambaldi A, Bachy E, Malladi R, Orchard K, Pohlreich D, Tilly H, Bonifazi F, Poiré X, Guilhot F, Haenel A, Crawley C, Metzner B, Gribben J, Russell NH, Damaj G, Thomson K, Dreger P, Montoto S. Bone Marrow Transplant. 2017 May 22. doi: 10.1038/bmt.2017.88. [Epub ahead of print]
- Response-adapted consolidation with bortezomib after ASCT improves progression-free survival in newly diagnosed multiple myeloma. Einsele H, Knop S, Vogel M, Müller J, Kropff M, Metzner B, Langer C, Sayer H, Jung W, Dürk HA, Salwender H, Wandt H, Bassermann F, Gramatzki M, Rösler W, Wolf HH, Brugger W, Engelhardt M, Fischer T, Liebisch P, Straka C. Leukemia. 2017 Jun;31(6):1463-1466. doi: 10.1038/leu.2017.83. Epub 2017 Mar 15.
- Phase II study of bortezomib, cyclophosphamide and dexamethasone as induction therapy in multiple myeloma: DSMM XI trial. Einsele H, Engelhardt M, Tapprich C, Müller J, Liebisch P, Langer C, Kropff M, Mügge LO, Jung W, Wolf HH, Metzner B, Hart C, Gramatzki M, Hertenstein B, Pfreundschuh M, Rösler W, Fischer T, Maschmeyer G, Kanz L, Hess G, Jäger E, Bentz M, Dürk HA, Salwender H, Hebart H, Straka C, Knop S. Br J Haematol. 2017 Nov;179(4):586-597. doi: 10.1111/bjh.14920. Epub 2017 Sep 29. PMID: 28961309
- Long-term clinical and molecular remissions in patients with follicular lymphoma following high-dose therapy and autologous stem cell transplantation B. Metzner, B. Rosien, J. Casper, C. H. Köhne, D. Kraemer, T. H. Müller, E. Petershofen, A. Renzelmann, R. Thole, C. Pott Blood 2017;130, Issue Suppl 1: Abstract 4539
B) Abstracts mit Coautorenschaft
- Carboplatin versus Iproplatin in Solid Tumors and Lymphomas - a Phase-III-Study. E. Schmoll, A. Harstrick, B. Metzner et al. J Cancer Res Clin Oncol (1986) 111(Suppl):S105
- Treatment of Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia (CML) with Low Doses of Recombinant Interferon-alpha 2 B. H. Diedrich, M. Freund, ...B. Metzner et al. Blut (1987) 55:280
- Low Dose Recombinant Interferon-alpha-2b in Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia: Results and Questions. H. Diedrich, M. Freund, ...B. Metzner et al. J Cancer Res Clin Oncol (1988) 114:S146
- Bone Marrow Biopsy (Jamshidi Needle) Revisited. I: Indications, Success Rate, Quality of Trephine Specimens and Other Characteristics on the Basis of 7000 Biopsies. J. Anagnou, H.J. Avenarius, ...B. Metzner et al. J Cancer Res Clin Oncol (1988) 114:S49
- Bone Marrow Biopsy (Jamshidi Needle) Revisited. II: Complications on the Basis of 7000 Biopsies. J. Anagnou, H.J. Avenarius, ...B. Metzner et al. J Cancer Res Clin Oncol (1988) 114:S49
- Combinations of ID MTX, ARA-C and VM 26 in Heavily Pretreated Patients with Relapsing or Refractory Non-Hodgkin-Lymphoma. M. Freund, M. Dierich, B. Metzner et al. Blut (1988) 57:196
- Recombinant Interferon-alpha-2b Maintenance After Busulfan Induction in Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia. M. Freund, B. Bleßmann, ...B. Metzner et al. Blut (1988) 57:195
- Late Toxicities in Patients with High-Grade Non-Hodgkin-Lymphoma. C. Bokemeyer, H.-J. Schmoll, ...B. Metzner et al. Ann Oncol (1990) 1(Suppl):107
- Dose Escalation of Cisplatin, Etoposide and Ifosfamide plus GMCSF for Advanced Testicular Cancer. H.-J. Schmoll, A. Harstrick, ...B. Metzner et al. 17th International Congress of Chemotherapy Berlin, June 1991
- Adriamycin, Cisplatinum, ARA-C and Methyl-Prednisolone (ASHAP) Combination Chemotherapy in Relapsed and Refractory Lymphoma and Non Hodgkin´s Disease. S.O. Peters, N. Schmitz, B. Metzner et al. Blood (1993) 82 (Suppl 1) : 574a
- Treatment of Advanced Testicular Cancer with Dose Intensified Chemotherapy plus GM-CSF and Sequential Harvesting and Reinfusion of Peripheral Blood Stem Cells. C. Bokemeyer, H.-J. Schmoll, ...B. Metzner et al. Proc ASCO (1994) 13:236
- Extragonadal Germ Cell Tumours: Experience at Hannover University Medical School. C. Bokemeyer, P. Nowak, B. Metzner et al. European J Cancer (1995) 31A (Suppl 5) :S189
- Effective Salvage Therapy with ASHAP in Patients with Lymphomas. M. Hänel, M.M. Hoffknecht, ...B. Metzner et al. Onkologie (1995) 18 (Suppl 2) :72
- Sequential Cycles of High-Dose VIP-Chemotherapy with Peripheral Blood Stem Cell Support in Advanced Germ Cell Cancer. C. Bokemeyer, B. Metzner et al. Onkologie (1995) 18 (Suppl 2) :54
- Sequential Treatment with High-Dose VIP-Chemotherapy plus Peripheral Blood Stem Cell Support in Advanced Germ Cell Cancer. C. Bokemeyer, A. Harstrick, ...B. Metzner et al. Proc ASCO (1995) 14:230
- High-Dose Cyclophosphamide / Thiotepa / Mitoxantrone Followed by Autologous Stem Cell Reinfusion in High-Risk Breast Cancer. W.H. Krüger, N. Kröger, ...B. Metzner et al. Symposium der AIO / AWO „Entwicklungen in der Internistischen Hämato-Onkologie“ Berlin, Jan. 1996
- Relation of Hematopoetic Reconstitution to Measurement of Circulating Blood Progenitor Cells Early After Transplantation. W. Gebauer, E. Fallgren Gebauer, B. Metzner et al. Third International Symposium on High-Dose Chemotherapy and Stem Cell Transplantation in Solid Tumors Berlin, April 1996.
- High-Dose Chemotherapy with Thiotepa, Busulfan and Etoposide (TBE) and Autologous Peripheral Blood Stem Cell Transplantation (PBSCT) in Relapsing or Refractory NHL. P.Heußner, E. Petershofen, J. Casper, B. Metzner et al. Proc. ASCO (1996) 15:346
- Detection of Malignant Cells of Epithelial Origin in Mononuclear Cell Fractions. W. Gebauer, E. Fallgren Gebauer, B. Metzner et al. Ann. Hematology (1996) 73, Suppl. 2: A24
- Treatment of Brain Metastases in Patients with Testicular Cancer. C. Bokemeyer, H.-J. Schmoll, P. Nowak, ...B. Metzner et al. Ann. Hematology (1996) 73, Suppl. 2: A99
- Autologous Peripheral Blood Stem Cell Transplantation after High-Dose Chemotherapy with Thiotepa/Busulfan/Etoposide in Relapsing or Refractory NHL. P. Heußner, E. Petershofen, D. Kleine, ...B. Metzner et al. Ann. Hematology (1996) 73, Suppl. 2: A110
- High Dose Carmustine and Melphalan with Peripheral Blood Stem Cell Support in Metastatic Malignant Melanoma. J. Atzpodien, H. Kirchner, B. Hertenstein, B. Metzner et al. Ann. Hematology (1996) 73, Suppl. 2: A112
- A Phase I/II Trial of Total Marrow Irradiation, Busulfan and Cyclophosphamide Followed by Peripheral Blood Stem Cell Transplantation in Patients with Advanced Multiple Myeloma. H. Einsele, M. Bamberg, H. Schmidberger, ...B. Metzner et al. Ann. Hematology (1996) 73, Suppl. 2: A143
- Sequential High-Dose VIP-Chemotherapy Plus Peripheral Stem Cell (PBSC) Support for Advanced Germ Cell Cancer. C. Bokemeyer, A. Harstrick, B. Metzner et al. Ann. Oncol. (1996) 7, Suppl. 5:55
- A Phase I/II Trial of Total Marrow Irradiation, Busulfan and Cyclophosphamide Followed by Peripheral Blood Stem Cell Transplantation in Patients with Advanced Multiple Myeloma. H. Einsele, M. Bamberg, H. Schmidberger, ...B. Metzner et al. Blood (1996) 88,10, Suppl.1: 132a
- High-Dose CTM Followed by Autologous Stem Cell Reinfusion in High-Risk Breast Cancer. W.H. Krüger, N. Kröger, M. Stockschläder, ...B. Metzner et al. Bone Marrow Transplantation (1997) 19, Suppl.1: S88
- A Phase I/II Trial of Total Marrow Irradiation, Busulfan and Cyclophosphamide Followed by Peripheral Autologous PBSCT in Patients with Advanced Multiple Myeloma. H. Einsele, M. Bamberg, H. Budach, ...B. Metzner et al. Bone Marrow Transplantation (1997) 19, Suppl.1: S157
- High-Dose Chemotherapy with TBE and Autologous Peripheral Blood Stem Cell Transplantation in Relapsing or Refractory NHL. P. Heußner, D. Kleine, J. Casper, ... B. Metzner et al. Bone Marrow Transplantation (1997) 19, Suppl.1: S196
- Multiple Cycles of High-Dose VIP-Chemotherapy Plus Peripheral Stem Cell (PBSC) Support for Advanced Germ Cell Cancer. C. Bokemeyer, A. Harstrick, J. Beyer, ...B. Metzner et al. Onkologie (1997) 20, Suppl.1: 4
- Adjuvant High-Dose CTM + APBSC for High-Risk Breast Cancer According to the GABG-4/EH-93 Study. W.H. Krüger, N. Kröger, F. Gieseking, ...B. Metzner et al. Onkologie (1997) 20, Suppl.1: 108
- Phase I/II Study of Sequential Cycles of High-Dose Ifosfamide Plus Adriamycin with PBSC-Support for Advanced Soft Tissue Sarcomas. C. Bokemeyer, A. Franzke, J.T. Hartmann, ...B. Metzner et al. Onkologie (1997) 20, Suppl.1: 114
- A Phase I/II Trial of Total Marrow Irradiation, Busulfan and Cyclophosphamide Followed by Peripheral Autologous PBSCT in Patients with Advanced Multiple Myeloma.H. Einsele, M. Bamberg, H.D. Waller, ...B. Metzner et al. Onkologie (1997) 20, Suppl.1: 202
- Total Marrow Irradiation, Busulfan and Cyclophosphamide Followed by Peripheral Autologous PBSCT in Patients with Advanced Multiple Myeloma. H. Einsele, M. Bamberg, H. Budach, ...B. Metzner et al. Blood (1997) 90,10, Suppl.1: 112a
- ASHAP Salvage Therapy for Recurrent and Refractory Hodgkin´s Disease (HD) and Non-Hodgkin´s Lymphoma (NHL). M. Hänel, M.M. Hoffknecht, S.O. Peters, ...B. Metzner et al. Blood (1997) 90,10, Suppl.2: Abstr. 4559
- Sequentielle Hochdosistherapie beim fortgeschrittenen Mammakarzinom. G. Hübner, H.-J. Lück, B. Metzner et al. 17. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Senologie November 1997 Berlin, Abstr. I. 101
- Low Toxicity of High-Dose CTM Followed by Autologous Stem Cell Reinfusion for High-Risk Breast Cancer. W.H. Krüger, N. Kröger, K. Kolbe, ...B. Metzner et al. Bone Marrow Transplantation (1998) 21, Suppl. 1: S62
- High-Dose Chemotherapy in Refractory or Relapsed Germ Cell Tumors - Results from Sequential Trials. J. Beyer, C. Bokemeyer, O. Rick, B. Metzner et al. Fourth International Symposium on High-Dose Chemotherapy and Stem Cell Transplantation in Solid Tumors, April 1998 Berlin.
- Characterization of CD34 Positive Blood Progenitor Cells After Different Storage Conditions. W. Gebauer, B. Metzner, F. Schunter. Fourth International Symposium on High-Dose Chemotherapy and Stem Cell Transplantation in Solid Tumors, April 1998 Berlin.
- High-Dose (HD) VIP-Chemotherapy Plus Peripheral Stem Cell (PBSC) Support as First-Line Therapy for Advanced Germ Cell Cancer. C. Bokemeyer, A. Harstrick, J. Beyer, U. Rüther, B. Metzner et al. Proc. ASCO (1998) 17:326a
- Salvage Treatment in Germ-Cell Tumors Using Taxol, Ifosfamide, Cisplatin (TIP) Followed by High-Dose Carboplatin, Etoposide and Thiotepa (HDCET): First Results. J. Beyer, C. Bokemeyer, O. Rick, B. Metzner et al. Proc. ASCO (1998) 17:322a
- Autologous Peripheral Blood Stem Cell Transplantation After High-Dose Chemotherapy with TBE in Relapsing or Refractory NHL. P. Heussner, J. Casper, E. Petershofen, H.-D. Kleine, B. Metzner et al. Bone Marrow Transplantation (1998) 22, Suppl. 2: S17
- Cyclophosphamide/Thiotepa/Mitoxantrone With Autologous Stem Cell Rescue For High Risk Stage II and Stage III Breast Cancer. W.H. Krüger, N: Kröger, M. Königsmann, ... B. Metzner et al. Bone Marrow Transplantation (1998) 22, Suppl. 2: S18
- Treatment of Adult Burkitt’s Lymphoma According to the B_NHL90 Protocol. D. Hoelzer, Th. Faak, M. Kneba, C. Pott, B. Metzner et al. Annals of Hematology (1998) 77, Suppl. 2: S12
- Single vs Tandem High-Dose Chemotherapy with Peripheral Blood Stem Cell Support for Chemotherapy-Sensitive Metastatic Breast Cancer. An Ongoing Multicenter Phase III Study. N. Kröger, M. Frick, A. Adomeit, ... B. Metzner et al. Annals of Hematology (1998) 77, Suppl. 2: S116
- Tandem High-Dose Chemotherapy in Metastatic Breast Cancer - Preliminary Results of a Phase I/II Study. G. Hübner, M. Karthaus, H.-J. Lück, B. Metzner et al. Annals of Hematology (1998) 77, Suppl. 2: S117
- Taxol, Ifosfamide, Cisplatin (TIP) Followed by High-Dose Carboplatin, Etoposide and Thiotepa (HDCET) as Salvage Treatment in Germ-Cell Tumors. J. Beyer, C. Bokemeyer, O. Rick, B. Metzner et al. Annals of Hematology (1998) 77, Suppl. 2: S159
- Total Marrow Irradiation, Busulfan and Cyclophosphamide Followed by PBSCT in Patients with Multiple Myeloma. H. Einsele, M. Bamberg, W. Budach, ... B. Metzner et al. Annals of Hematology (1998) 77, Suppl. 2: S173
- Treatment of Relapsed ALL - Studies of the German Relapsed ALL Study Group. M. Freund, G. Heil, R. Arnold, ... B. Metzner et al. Annals of Hematology (1998) 77, Suppl. 2: S176
- Total Marrow Irradiation, Busulfan and Cyclophosphamide Followed by PBSCT in Patients with Multiple Myeloma. H. Einsele, M. Bamberg, A. Zander, ... B. Metzner et al. Blood (1998) 92, Suppl.1: 128a
- Salvage Treatment for Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia. M. Freund, G. Heil, R. Arnold, ... B. Metzner et al. Blood (1998) 92, Suppl.1: 216b
- Single vs Tandem High-Dose Chemotherapy for Chemotherapy-Sensitive Metastatic Breast Cancer. Results from an Ongoing Multicenter Phase-III Trial. M. Frick, N. Kröger, H. Eimermacher, C. Ziske, B. Metzner et al. Bone Marrow Transplantation (1999) 23, Suppl.1: S40
- Total Marrow Irradiation, Busulfan and Cyclophosphamide Followed by PBSCT in Patients with Multiple Myeloma. H. Einsele, M. Bamberg, H. Schmidt, ... B. Metzner et al. Bone Marrow Transplantation (1999) 23, Suppl.1: S134
- Taxol, Ifosfamide, Cisplatin (TIP) Followed by High-Dose Chemotherapy with Carboplatin, Etoposide and Thiotepa (HD-CET) in Germ-Cell Cancer. O. Rick, J. Beyer, C. Bokemeyer, , B. Metzner et al. Bone Marrow Transplantation (1999) 23, Suppl.1: S192
- The Influence of Different Assay Conditions on the Clonogenic Potential of Hematopoietic Progenitor Cells in Short Term Culture Assays. W. Gebauer, B. Metzner, U. Cassens, F. Schunter. Bone Marrow Transplantation (1999) 23, Suppl.1: S200
- First-Line High-Dose Chemotherapy Versus Standard-Dose PEB/PEI in Patients with Advanced Germ Cell Tumors. A Matched Pair Analysis. C. Bokemeyer, C. Kollmannsberger, C. Meisner, A. Harstrick, J. Beyer, B. Metzner et al. Proc. ASCO (1999) 18: Abstr. 1189
- First-Line High-Dose Chemotherapy +/- Radiation Therapy in Patients with CNS Metastases of Non-Seminomatous Germ Cell Tumors. C. Kollmannsberger, J.T. Hartmann, U. Rüther, ... B. Metzner et al. Proc. ASCO (1999) 18: Abstr. 1256
- Multivariate Analysis of Factors Influencing the Rate of Documented Infections in 500 Cycles High-Dose Chemotherapy with Autologous Peripheral Stem Cell Transplantation. O. Sezer, C. Bauhuis, B. Metzner et al. Onkologie (1999) 22, Suppl.1: 134
- Total Marrow Irradiation, Busulfan and Cyclophosphamide Followed by PBSCT in Patients with Multiple Myeloma. H. Einsele, M. Bamberg, H. Schmidt, ... B. Metzner et al Onkologie (1999) 22, Suppl.1: 148
- First-Line High-Dose Chemotherapy Versus Standard-Dose PEB/PEI in Patients with Advanced Germ Cell Tumors. A Matched Pair Analysis. C. Kollmannsberger, C. Nichols, C. Meisner, A. Harstrick, J. Beyer, B. Metzner et al. Onkologie (1999) 22, Suppl.1: 215
- Multivariate Analysis of Factors Influencing the Duration of Neutropenia in 592 Cycles High-Dose Chemotherapy with Autologous Peripheral Stem Cell Transplantation. O. Sezer, C. Bauhuis, B. Metzner et al. Blood (1999) 94, Suppl. 1: 362b
- Multivariate Analysis of Factors Influencing the Rate of Documented Infections in 592 Cycles High-Dose Chemotherapy with Autologous Peripheral Stem Cell Transplantation. O. Sezer, B. Metzner, M. Wattad et al. Blood (1999) 94, Suppl. 1: 372b
- Toxicity and Efficacy of Dose-Escalating Etoposide plus Busulfan/Cyclophosphamide as Conditioning Regimen for Stem-Cell Transplantation in Patients with AML. N. Kröger, T. Zabelina, S. Sonnenberg, ... B. Metzner et al. Blood (1999) 94, Suppl. 1: 383b
- Single versus Tandem High-dose Chemotherapy for Chemotherapy-sensitive Metastatic Breast Cancer. Results from an Ongoing German Multicenter Phase III Trial. N. Kröger, M. Frick, H. Eimermacher, C. Ziske, B. Metzner et al. 24. Deutscher Krebskongress Berlin März 2000
- Mucositis Is Associated with Increased Rate of Documented Infections and Treatment-Related Mortality After High-Dose Therapy with Autologous Peripheral Stem-Cell Transplantation. O. Sezer, J. Eucker, B. Metzner et al. Proc. ASCO (2000) 19: Abstr.216
- Presence of Contaminating Tumor Cells in Peripheral Blood Stem Cell Preparations from Patients Undergoing High-Dose Chemotherapy for Malignant Germ Cell Tumors. K. Pompe, C. Bokemeyer, F. Mayer, J.M. Gillis, B. Metzner et al. Proc. ASCO (2000) 19: Abstr. 1353
- Impact of Mucositis on the Rate of Infections and Treatment-Related Mortality After High-Dose Chemotherapy with Autologous Stem Cell Transplantation. O. Sezer, J. Eucker, C. Bauhuis, B. Metzner et al. Onkologie (2000) 23, Sonderheft 7: Abstr. 640
- Phase I/II Study of Sequential High Dose VIP Plus Paclitaxel in Patients with “Poor Prognosis” Germ Cell Tumor. J.T. Hartmann, N. Schleucher, B. Metzner et al. Proc. ASCO (2001) 20: Abstr. 691
- Phase I/II Study of Sequential High Dose VIP Plus Paclitaxel Supported by PBSC in Patients with “Poor Prognosis” Germ Cell Tumor. J.T. Hartmann, N. Schleucher, B. Metzner et al. Onkologie (2001) 24, Sonderheft 6: Abstr. 22
- A new conditioning regimen involving total marrow irradiation, busulfan and cyclophosphamide followed by PBSCT in patients with advanced multiple myeloma. H. Einsele, L. Kanz, W. Budach, ... B. Metzner et al. Onkologie (2001) 24, Sonderheft 6: Abstr. 326
- DSMM pilot study: Age-adapted tandem melphalan with PBSCT in patients 60-70 years with multiple myeloma. C. Straka, H. Wandt, M. Freund, .... B. Metzner et al. Onkologie (2001) 24, Sonderheft 6: Abstr. 694
- Double high dose chemotherapy with autologous hematopoietic stem cell transplantation for metastatic soft tissue sarcoma after standard chemotherapy. A. Zumsprekel, H.J. Weh, K. Holstein, ... B. Metzner et al. Onkologie (2001) 24, Sonderheft 6: Abstr. 773
- Total marrow irradiation, busulfan and cyclophosphamide followed by PBSCT in patients with advanced multiple myeloma. H. Einsele, C. Meisner, C. Straka, ... B. Metzner et al. Blood (2001) 98, Suppl. 1: 196a
- Cologne high-dose sequential chemotherapy in relapsed and refractory Hodgkin´s disease – Results of a multicenter phase-II study. A. Josting, C. Rudolph, M. Mapara, B. Metzner et al. Bone Marrow Transplantation (2002) 29, Suppl.2: O109
- Intensified conditioning therapy with total marrow irradiation, busulfan and cyclophosphamide followed by PBSCT results in a high CR rate and prolonged EFS in patients with advanced multiple myeloma. H. Einsele, C. Meisner, C. Straka, ... B. Metzner et al. Bone Marrow Transplantation (2002) 29, Suppl.2: O120
- 13cis-retinoic acid, IFN-alpha2a, IL-2 and chemotherapy in advanced renal cell carcinoma: results of a prospectively randomized trial of the German Cooperative Renal Carcinoma Chemoimmunotherapy Group. J. Atzpodien, H. Kirchner, U. Jonas, ...B. Metzner et al. Proc. ASCO (2002) 21: Abstr. 734
- Sequential high dose VIP-chemotherapy with autologous PBSC-transplantation as first-line treatment in patients with primary mediastinal nonseminomatous germ cell cancer. J.T. Hartmann, N. Schleucher, B. Metzner et al. Proc. ASCO (2002) 21: Abstr. 741
- Outcome of patients with “poor prognosis” germ cell cancer relapsing after primary high-dose chemotherapy plus stem cell support. C. Kollmannsberger, N. Schleucher, O. Rick, B. Metzner et al. Proc. ASCO (2002) 21: Abstr. 794
- High-dose chemotherapy with autologous hematopoietic stem-cell support vs. standard-dose chemotherapy in breast cancer patients with 10 or more positive lymph nodes: first results of a randomized trial. A.R. Zander, W. Krüger, N. Kröger, ...B. Metzner et al. Proc. ASCO (2002) 21: Abstr. 1658
- Mega-CHOEP (High-dose sequential CHOP + etoposide) is feasible and effective primary treatment of aggressive Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. B. Glass, M. Kloess, A. Engert, W. Berdel, B. Metzner et al. Ann Oncol 2002; 13: Abstr. 243
- Mega-CHOEP dose level 3, a randomized phase II study of primary high dose therapy in aggressive NHL: Time scheduling of chemotherapy with equivalent cumulative dosages has relevant impact on treatment results. Glass B, Kloess M, Engert A, Berdel W, Metzner B et al. DGHO Kongress 2002, Abstr. 420
- The addition of rituximab to combination chemotherapy significantly improves the treatment of mantle cell lymphomas: Results of two prospective randomized studies by the German Low Grade Lymphoma Study Group. Hiddemann W, Unterhalt M, Dreyling M, Hossfeld DK, Lengfelder E Metzner B et al. Blood 2002; 100: Abstr. 339
- Successful treatment of Burkitt´s NHL and other high-grade NHL according to a protocol for mature B-ALL. Hoelzer D, Arnold R, Diedrich H, Faak T, Ganser A, Horst H… Metzner B et al. Blood 2002; 100: Abstr. 595
- Cologne high-dose sequential chemotherapy in relapsed and refractory Hodgkin Lymphoma – results of a large multicenter study for the prospective randomized HDR-2 trial of the German Hodgkin Lymphoma Study Group. Josting A, Rudolph C, Mapara M, Sieber M, Kirchner HH, … Metzner B et al. Blood 2002; 100: Abstr. 812
- Mega-CHOEP repeated high-dose therapy as treatment of aggressive NHL: critical impact of time scheduling. Glass B, Kloess M, Engert A, Berdel W, Metzner B et al. Blood 2002; 100: Abstr. 3069
- Phase I/II study of sequential high-dose VIP plus paclitaxel in poor prognosis germ cell tumors. Hartmann JT, Schleucher N, Metzner B et al. Ann Oncol 2002; 13: ESMO Congress, Abstr. 348 P
- High-dose chemotherapy with autologous hematopoietic stem cell support versus standard-dose chemotherapy in breast cancer patients with 10 or more positive lymph nodes: first results of a randomized trial. Zander AR, Kroeger N, Schmoor C, Krueger W, Moebus V, Frickhofen N, Metzner B et al. Bone marrow transplantation 2003: 31, Abstr. O270
- Time scheduling of primary high-dose therapy in aggressive NHL has significant impact on treatment results: Mega-CHOEP dose level 3 – a randomized phase II study. Glass B, Kloess M, Engert A, Berdel W, Metzner B et al. Bone marrow transplantation 2003: 31, Abstr. P424
- Combination chemotherapy with gemcitabine / oxaliplatin in patients with relapsed or cisplatin-refractory germ-cell cancer. Bokemeyer C, Beyer J, Metzner B et al. Proceedings ASCO 2003; 22: Abstr. 1561
- Effects of G-CSF schedule on leukocyte recovery and infection rate in the CHOP-14 regimen for elderly patients with aggressive lymphoma. Kloess M, Zeynalova S, Truemper L, Schmits R, Schmitz N, … Metzner B et al. Proceedings ASCO 2003; 22: Abstr. 2402
- Tandem high-dose chemotherapy versus dose-dense conventional chemotherapy for patients with high risk breast cancer: interim results from a multicenter phase III trial. Nitz UA, Frick M, Mohrmann S, Lindemann H, Jackisch C, … Metzner B et al. Proceedings ASCO 2003; 22: Abstr. 3344
- Short intensive chemotherapy with rituximab seems successful in Burkitt NHL, mature B-ALL and other high-grade B-NHL. Hoelzer D, Baur KH, Giagounidis A, Ludwig WD, Glasmacher A, … Metzner B et al. Blood 2003; 102: Abstr. 236
- Combined immune-chemotherapy (R-FCM) results in superior remission and survival rates in recurrent follicular and mantle cell lymphoma – final results of a prospective randomized trial of the GLSG. Dreyling MH, Forstpointner R, Repp R, Hermann S, Haenel A, Metzner B et al. Blood 2003; 102: Abstr. 351
- Combined immuno-chemotherapy (R-CHOP) significantly improves time to treatment failure in first line therapy of follicular lymphoma – results of a prospective randomized trial of the GLSG. Hiddemann W, Dreyling MH, Forstpointner R, Kneba M, Woermann B … Metzner B et al. Blood 2003; 102: Abstr. 352
- Cologne high-dose sequential chemotherapy in relapsed and refractory Hodgkin Lymphoma – results of a large multicenter study of the German Hodgkin Lymphoma Study Group. Josting A, Rudolph C, Mapara M, Glossmann JP, Sieber M, Kirchner HH, … Metzner B et al. Blood 2003; 102: Abstr. 1461
- Repeated high-dose therapy with rituximab followed by autologous stem cell transplantation (ASCT) as primary treatment of high-risk aggressive NHL. Glass B, Kloess M, Engert A, Berdel W, Metzner B et al. Blood 2003; 102: Abstr. 2715
- Phage display epitope mapping of the E. coli Asparaginase protein for epitopes relevant in hypersensitivity reactions of adult patients treated with PEG-Asparaginase for acute lymphatic leukemia. Muller HJ, Meyer D, Beck J, Metzner B et al. Blood 2003; 102: Abstr. 4730
- Dose-escalated CHOP + etoposide and repetitive ASCT (Mega-CHOEP) in primary treatment of aggressive lymphoma: dose intensity counts. Glass B, Kloess M, Engert A, Berdel W, Metzner B et al. Bone Marrow Transplant 2004; 33: Suppl. 1, Abstr. O103
- Gonadal late effects, fertility and sexual functioning in long-term survivors after high-dose chemotherapy with ASCT for testicular cancer. Kollmannsberger C, Schleucher N, Rick O, Metzner B et al. Proceedings ASCO 2004; 23: Abstr. 4537
- The role of paclitaxel in the first-line treatment of patients with poor prognosis germ cell tumor undergoing sequential high dose chemotherapy. Hartmann JT, Rick O, Thomas M, Schleicher J, Metzner B et al. Proceedings ASCO 2004; 23: Abstr. 4633
- Effect of the addition of rituximab to front line therapy with cyclophosphamide, doxorubicin, vincristine and prednisone (CHOP) on the remission rate and time to treatment failure compared to CHOP alone in mantle cell lymphoma: Results of a prospective randomized trial of the German Low Grade Lymphoma Study Group (GLSG). Hiddemann W, Dreyling M, Unterhalt M, Repp R, Hermann S, Haenel A, Metzner B et al. Proceedings ASCO 2004; 23: Abstr. 6501
- Single versus tandem high dose chemotherapy with hematopoietic stem cell support in patients with chemosensitive metastatic breast cancer - results from a multicenter phase III trial. Nitz UA, Kroeger N, Frick M, Mohrmann S, Metzner B et al. Proceedings ASCO 2004; 23: Abstr. 6665
- Improved outcome in adult T-ALL by risk adapted treatment strategies. Goekbuget N, Thiel E, Beck J, Griesinger F, Hartmann F, …Metzner B et al. Blood 2004; 103: Abstr. 682
- Repetitive high-dose therapy with dose escalated CHOP + etoposide followed by ASCT in younger patients with primary diagnosis of aggressive NHL and elevated LDH at diagnosis: Final analysis. Schmitz N, Kloess M, Engert A, Berdel WE, Metzner B et al. Blood 2004; 103: Abstr. 610
- CHOP improves response rates but not overall survival in follicular and mantle cell lymphoma – results of a randomized trial of the GLSG. Nickenig C, Dreyling MH, Schiegnitz E, Pfreundschuh M, Truemper LH, … Metzner B et al. Blood 2004; 103: Abstr. 611
- The addition of rituximab to combination chemo therapy with CHOP has a long lasting impact on subsequent treatment in remission in follicular lymphoma but not in mantle cell lymphoma: results of two prospective randomized studies of the GLSG. Hiddemann W, Forstpointner R, Kneba M, Schmitz N, Schmits R, Metzner B et al. Blood 2004; 103: Abstr. 161
- Combined immuno-chemotherapy (R-CHOP) results in significantly superior response rates and time to treatment failure in first line treatment of patients with LP-Immunocytoma – results of a prospective randomized trial of the GLSG. Buske C, Dreyling MH, Eimermacher H, Boeck HP, Pfreundschuh M, Metzner B et al. Blood 2004; 103: Abstr. 162
- Single high-dose chemoradiotherapy versus tandem high dose melphalan followed by auto-SCT for advanced multiple myeloma. Preliminary analysis. Einsele H, Liebisch P, Bargou R, Meisner C, Metzner B et al. Blood 2004; 103: Abstr. 537
- Early consolidation with myeloablative radiochemotherapy followed by ASCT in first remission significantly prolongs progression-free survival in mantle cell lymphoma – long term follow up of a prospective randomized trial of European MCL Network. Dreyling MH, Lenz G, Schiegnitz E, van Hoof A, Gisselbrecht C, Pfreundschuh M, Metzner B et al. Blood 2004; 103: Abstr. 7
- Cologne high-dose sequential chemotherapy in relapsed and refractory Hodgkin lymphoma – results of a large multicenter study of the German Hodgkin Lymphoma Study Group. Josting A, Rudolph C, Mapara M, Glossmann JP, Sieber M… Metzner B et al. Blood 2004; 103: Abstr. 309
- CHOP significantly improves overall response and overall survival in patients with advanced follicular lymphoma – Results of a randomized trial of the GLSG. Nickenig C, Dreyling M, Schiegnitz E, Wandt H, Huber C, … Metzner B et al. Onkologie 2004; 27(suppl 3):Abstr. O110
- Combined immuno-chemotherapy (R-CHOP) significantly improves response and time to treatment failure in patients with advanced mantle cell lymphoma – results of a randomized trial of the GLSG. Dreyling M, Lenz G, Schiegnitz E, Wörmann B, Duehrsen U, Metzner B et al. Onkologie 2004; 27(suppl 3):Abstr. O111
- Cologne high-dose sequential chemotherapy in relapsed and refractory Hodgkin lymphoma – Results of a large multicenter study oft he GHSG. Josting A, Rudolph C, Mapara M, Glossmann JP, Sieber M, … Metzner B et al. Onkologie 2004; 27(suppl 3):Abstr. O339
- Comparison of two high-dose chemotherapy regimens and ASCT in patients with de novo multiple myeloma. Einsele H, Hebart H, Liebisch P, Bargou R, Meisner C, Metzner B et al. Onkologie 2004; 27(suppl 3):Abstr. O181
- Very high LDH at diagnosis is the most important risk factor in patients receiving repetitive high-dose therapy with CHOP + etoposide as primary treatment of aggressive lymphoma: final analysis of the Mega-CHOEP phase II study. Glass B, Kloess M, Engert A, Berdel W, Metzner B et al. Bone Marrow Transplantation 2005; 35, Suppl.2, Abstr. O92
- Intensified conditioning therapy followed by a single auto-PBSCT versus tandem high-dose melphalan: preliminary analysis. Einsele H, Liebisch P, Bargou R, Meisner C, Metzner B et al. Bone Marrow Transplantation 2005; 35, Suppl.2, Abstr. O259
- Randomized trial of single versus tandem high-dose chemotherapy (STAMP V) followed by ASCT in patients with chemosensitive metastatic breast cancer. Kröger N, Frick M, Gluz O, Metzner B et al. Bone Marrow Transplantation 2005; 35, Suppl.2, Abstr. O267
- Neuropsychological functioning 5 years after adjuvant standard-dose versus high-dose chemotherapy with autologous transplant in patients with advanced breast cancer. Schulz-Kindermann F, Scherwath A, Mehnert A, Schirmer L, Fehlauer F, Kreienberg R, Metzner B et al. Bone Marrow Transplantation 2005; 35, Suppl.2, Abstr. P683
- Malignant cells in apheresis products transplanted after high-dose chemotherapy during treatment of patients suffering from germ cell tumours. Gebauer WG, Metzner B, Schunter F. Bone Marrow Transplantation 2005; 35, Suppl.2, Abstr. R1173
- Dose escalated CHOP + etoposide and repetitive ASCT (Mega-CHOEP) with and without rituximab for primary treatment of aggressive NHL. Glass B, Kloess M, Engert A, Berdel W, Metzner B et al. J Clin Oncol 2005; 23, No. 16S: Abstr. 6654
- Repetitive high-dose therapy followed by ASCT (Mega-CHOEP) for primary treatment of aggressive NHL: the impact of rituximab on outcome and toxicity. Glass B, Kloess M, Reiser M, Metzner B et al. Bone Marrow Transplantation 2006; 37, Suppl 1: Abstr. O239
- Randomized trial of high-dose chemotherapy with ASCT vs. standard-dose chemotherapy in breast cancer patients with 10 or more positive lymph nodes: Overall survival after 6 years of follow up. Zander AR, Kroeger N, Schmoor C, Krueger W, Moebus V, Frickhofen N, Metzner B et al. J Clin Oncol 2006; 24, No. 18S: Abstr. 672
- Single versus sequential high-dose chemotherapy in patients with relapsed or refractory germ-cell tumors. Lorch A, Rick O, Hartmann JT, Kollmannsberger C, Metzner B et al. J Clin Oncol 2006; 24, No. 18S: Abstr. 4511
- Serum levels and pharmacokinetic of rituximab in Bi-weekly R-CHOP in elderly patients with DLBCL treated in the RICOVER-60 trial. Reiser M, Wenger M, Nickenig C, Peter N, Metzner B et al. J Clin Oncol 2006; 24, No. 18S: Abstr. 7537
- Single versus sequential high-dose chemotherapy in relapsed or refractory germ-cell tumors: outcome in 41 patients with late relapses. Lorch A, Rick O, Hartmann JT, Kollmannsberger C, Metzner B et al. Onkologie 2006;29(suppl 3): Abstr. V348
- Pharmacokinetics of rituximab in elderly patients with DLBCL treated in the RICOVER-60 trial with Bi-weekly R-CHOP. Reiser M, Wenger M, Nickenig C, Peter N, Kuhn C, Metzner B et al. Onkologie 2006;29(suppl 3): Abstr. V372
- Risk-adapted high-dose therapy of relapsed and refractory aggressive non-Hodgkin´s lymphoma – a multicenter study concept (OSHO). Koenigsmann M, Casper J, Uharek L, Reichle A, Sayer H, … Metzner B et al. Onkologie 2006;29(suppl 3): Abstr. P708
- Six vs. eight cycles of Bi-weekly CHOP-14 with or without rituximab for elderly patients with DLBCL: Results of the completed RICOVER-60 Trial of the DSHNHL. Pfreundschuh M, Kloess M, Zeynalova S, Lengfelder E, Franke A, … Metzner B et al. Blood 2006; 108: Abstr.205
- Serum levels and pharmacokinetic of rituximab in Bi-weekly R-CHOP in elderly patients with DLBCL treated in the RICOVER-60 trial. Reiser M, Wenger M, Nickenig C, Peter N, Kuhn C, Metzner B et al. Blood 2006; 108: Abstr. 2748
- Combined immuno-chemotherapy followed by rituximab maintenance is an effective salvage treatment after prior rituximab containing therapy: Results of a GLSG-Subgroup analysis in patients with relapsed indolent lymphoma. Dreyling MH, Forstpointner R, Boeck HP, Repp R, Wandt H, … Metzner B et al. Blood 2006; 108: Abstr. 2769
- Rituximab administered with Mega-CHOEP high-dose therapy and ASCT improves outcome for patients with DLBCL and high LDH. Schmitz N, Kloess M, Reiser M, Berdel W, Metzner B et al. EHA Congress 2006, Abstr. 714
- Outcome in 41 patients with late relapse germ cell tumors treated with high-dose chemotherapy. Lorch A, Rick O, Hartmann JT, Metzner B et al. J Clin Oncol 2007; 25, No.18S: Abstr. 5086
- The effects of induction chemotherapy and high-dose melphalan with tandem autologous transplantation in multiple myeloma: The prospective randomized DSMM 2 Study. Straka C, Liebisch P, Hennemann B, Metzner B et al. Blood 2007; 110: Abstr. 446
- Response adapted assignment oft he number of chemotherapy cycles fort he treatment of patients with diffuse large B-cell lymphoma is not justified: Results oft he RICOVER-69 Trial of the DSHNHL. Schubert J, Ziepert M, Lengfelder E, Mohren M, Peter N, … Metzner B et al. Blood 2007; 110: Abstr. 788
- Six vs. eight cycles of bi-weekly CHOP-14 with or without rituximab for elderly patients with diffuse large B-cell lymphoma: results of the completed RICOVER-60 trial of the German High-Grade Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma Study Group. Zwick C, Pfreundschuh M, Ziepert M, Lengfelder E, Franke A, … Metzner B et al. Onkologie 2007;30(suppl 3): Abstr. V167
- Relapsed and refractory aggressive non-Hodgkin lymphoma – a risk-adapted high-dose therapy concept by the OSHO. Koenigsmann M, Casper J, Reichle A, Mohren M Al-Ali HK, … Metzner B et al. Onkologie 2007;30(suppl 3): Abstr. P749
- T-cell lymphomas in studies of the German High-Grade NHL Study Group (DSHNHL). Schmitz N, Ziepert M, Nickelsen M, Truemper L, Glass B, … Metzner B et al. Ann Oncol 2008; 19, Suppl. 4: Abstr. 094
- 6 versus 8 cycles of R-CHOP-14 in elderly patients with DLBCL. Schubert J, Ziepert M, Lengfelder E, … Metzner B et al. Ann Oncol 2008; 19, Suppl. 4: Abstr. 214
- Mature T-/NK-cell lymphomas: Prognostic factors and treatment outcome of patients treated on studies of the DSHNHL. Schmitz N, Ziepert N, Nickelsen M, Wolf SP, Truemper L, … Metzner B et al. J Clin Oncol 2009;27, No.15S: Abstr. 8564
- Autologous and allogeneic stem cell transplantation for Richter´s transformation: a retrospective analysis from the Chronic Leukemia Working Party and Lymphoma Working Party of the EBMT. Cwynarski K, van Biezen A, Brand R, Scholten M, Metzner B et al. Bone Marrow Transplant 2009; 43, Suppl 1: Abstr. 229
- Bortezomib, iv cyclophosphamide and dexamethasone (VCD) as induction therapy in newly diagnosed multiple myeloma: Update on the interim results with 300 patients of the German DSMM Xia trial. Knop S, Liebisch P, Kropff M, Wandt H, Mügge LO, … Metzner B et al. Onkologie 2009;32(suppl 4): Abstr. V333
- Final results of the HDR2 Study – a European multicenter trial in patients with relapsed Hodgkin lymphoma. Engert A, Haverkamp H, Borchmann P, Müller H, Diehl V, Döhner H, Metzner B et al. Onkologie 2009;32(suppl 4): Abstr. V337
- The addition of rituximab to first-line chemotherapy (R-CHOP) results in superior response rates, time to treatment failure and response duration in patients with advanced stage mantle cell lymphoma – long-term results of a GLSG trial. Hoster E, Unterhalt M, Wörmann B, Dührsen U, Metzner B et al. Onkologie 2009;32(suppl 4): Abstr. V562
- Sex-specific effects of rituximab on treatment outcome of elderly patients with diffuse large B-cell lymphoma: A retrospective analysis of the RICOVER-60 trial of the DSHNHL. Murawski N, Schubert J, Zeynalova S, Pöschel V, Reiser M, … Metzner B et al. Onkologie 2009;32(suppl 4): Abstr. V564
- Phase II study with combined systemic and intrathecal chemotherapy followed by high dose chemotherapy for CNS relapse of aggressive lymphomas: an interim analysis. Fischer L, Reiser M, Illerhaus G, Finke J, Dreyling M, Möhle R, Metzner B et al. Onkologie 2009;32(suppl 4): Abstr. P705
- Analysis of treatment outcome of 552 patients with follicular lymphoma treated with rituximab/CHOP: data of a randomized trial of the GLSG after a follow up of 58 months. Buske C, Hoster E, Dreyling M, Forstpointner R, Kneba M, … Metzner B et al. Onkologie 2009;32(suppl 4): Abstr. V797
- ASCT and / or rituximab in patients with relapsed follicular lymphoma – retrospective analysis of 2 randomized trials of the GLSG. Weigert O, Uysal A, Metzner B et al. Onkologie 2009;32(suppl 4): Abstr. V801
- Allogeneic stem cell transplant versus tandem high-dose melphalan for front-line treatment of deletion 13q14 myeloma – an interim analysis of the German DSMM V Trial. Knop S, Liebisch P, Hebart H, Holler E, Engelhardt M, Bargou RC, Metzner B et al. Blood 2009; 114: Abstr. 51
- Velcade intravenous cyclophosphamide and dexamethasone (VCD) induction for previously untreated multiple myeloma (German DSMM Xia Trial. Einsele H, Liebisch P, Langer C, Kropff M, Wandt H, … Metzner B et al. Blood 2009; 114: Abstr. 131
- Autologous and allogeneic stem cell transplantation for Richter´s transformation: a retrospective analysis from the Chronic Leukemia Working Party and Lymphoma Working Party of the EBMT. Cwynarski K, van Biezen A, Brand R, Scholten M, Metzner B et al. Blood 2009; 114: Abstr. 3360
- Autologous stem cell transplantation and addition of rituximab independently prolong response duration in advanced stage mantle cell lymphoma. Hoster E, Metzner B, Forstpointner R et al. Blood 2009; 114: Abstr. 880
- Male sex is associated with lower rituximab trough serum levels and evolves as a significant prognostic factor in elderly patients with DLBCL treated with R-CHOP: Results from 4 prospective trials of the DSHNHL. Pfreundschuh M, Murawski N, Zeynalova S, Poeschel V, Reiser M, … Metzner B et al. Blood 2009; 114: Abstr. 3715
- Rituximab overcomes sex as a strong adverse prognostic factor for treatment outcome in patients with follicular lymphoma: Analysis of patients treated with rituximab/CHOP or CHOP in randomized trials of the GLSG. Buske C, Hoster E, Dreyling MH, Forstpointner R, Kneba M, … Metzner B et al. Blood 2009; 114: Abstr. 3706
- Sex loses its negative prognostic impact in patients with advanced stage follicular lymphoma treated with rituximab/chemotherapy: Analysis of 1172 patients treated with rituximab/CHOP or CHOP in prospective randomized trials of the GLSG. Buske C, Hoster E, Dreyling MH, Forstpointner R, Kneba M, … Metzner B et al. Onkologie 2010;33(suppl6): Abstr. V468
- Autologous stem cell transplantation and rituximab independently prolong response duration in advanced stage mantle cell lymphoma. Hoster E, Metzner B, Pfreundschuh M et al. Onkologie 2010;33(suppl6): Abstr. V678
- Rituximab purging and maintenance improves progression-free survival but not overall survival in patients with relapsed or resistant follicular lymphoma receiving an autologous transplant. Pettengell R, Schmitz N, Gisselbrecht C, Smith G, Patton WN, Metzner B et al. Blood 2010, ASH Congress, Abstr. 3567
- Systemic and intrathecal chemotherapy followed by high-dose chemotherapy with ASCT for CNS relapse of aggressive lymphomas: A potentially curative approach? Fischer L, Haenel M, Moehle R, Schroers R, Elter T, …Metzner B et al. J Clin Oncol 2011;29(suppl): Abstr. 8005
- Six versus eight cycles of biweekly CHOP-14 with or without R in elderly patients with aggressive CD20+ B-cell lymphomas: Seven-year FU of the RICOVER-60 trial of the DSHNHL. Pfreundschuh M, Ziepert M, Zeynalova S, Lengfelder E, Steinhauer H, … Metzner B et al. J Clin Oncol 2011;29(suppl): Abstr. 8029
- Efficacy and safety of sunitinib in patients with metastatic renal cell carcinoma on hemodialysis. Casper J, Goebel D, Gruenwald V, Flörcken A, Mueller D, Toussaint K, Metzner B et al. J Clin Oncol 2011;29(suppl): Abstr. 4646
- Interferon maintenance prolongs remission duration after rituximab-containing induction in first-line advanced stage lymphoplasmacytic lymphoma – a retrospective analysis of the GLSG. Hoster E, Unterhalt M, Metzner B et al. Onkologie 2011;34(suppl 6):Abstr. V369
- Interferon maintenance prolongs remission duration after rituximab-containing induction therapy in first-line advanced stage follicular lymphoma - a retrospective analysis of the GLSG. Hoster E, Unterhalt M, Forstpointner R, Pfreundschuh M, Hallek M, …Metzner B et al. Onkologie 2011;34(suppl 6):Abstr. V370
- 7-year follow-up of the RICOVER-60 trial of the DSHNHL. Zwick C, Ziepert M, Zeynalova S, Lengfelder E, Steinhauer H, …Metzner B et al. Onkologie 2011;34(suppl 6):Abstr. V647
- First results of a phase II study with combined systemic and intrathecal chemotherapy followed by high-dose chemotherapy for CNS relapse of aggressive lymphomas. Fischer L, Hänel M, Möhle R, Schroers R, Elter T, … Metzner B et al. Onkologie 2011;34(suppl 6):Abstr. V649
- Up front allogeneic stem cell transplant is superior to tandem high-dose melphalan in cytogenetically defined ultra high-risk myeloma. Knop S, Liebisch P, Hebart H, Holler E, Engelhardt M, Bargou RC, Metzner B et al. Onkologie 2011;34(suppl 6):Abstr. V677
- Addition of darbepoietin alfa to sequential high dose VIP chemotherapy for patients with advanced metastatic germ cell cancer. Hartmann JT, Metzner B, Binder C et al. Onkologie 2012;35(suppl 6): V613
- Prospective randomized trial of Len/Dex induction followed by tandem MEL140 with ASCT and Len maintenance versus continued therapy with Len/Dex in myeloma patients age 60 – 75 years: Protocol-defined safety analysis after 100 patients. Straka C, Schäfer-Eckart K, Bassermann F, Hertenstein B, Engelhardt M, …Metzner B et al. ASH Congress 2012; Abstr. 2012
- Prognostic relevance of dose-density of DHAP-reinduction therapy in relapsed HL: An analysis of the German Hodgkin-Study Group. Sasse S, Alram M, Mueller H, Smardova L, Metzner B et al. ASH Congress 2012; Abstr. 552
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